Well, I think that I'll give to this challenge a shot. I want to be included. So, add meCertainly I want to sweep under my own red carpet as many Steembasicincome units as I can afford. @paulag to The Redfish Power Up League and Wall of Fame data.
¿Why I'm doing this? YES! For the fun. To meet new people & to engage with others I wouldn't normally have the chance to engage with.
But above all, I'm doing this only to drive you Nuts witnessing how painfully /ˈsləɡiSH, lethargic, drowsy & lumpish will be my meteoric career to come to the top of the leader board and then graduate reaching my place on the Redfish Graduates Wall of Fame. :p
Oh! yeah, of course I have my own infallible strategy for this.
Sure thing babe. I've resteemed this post to help us reach more people and grow steemit together. :)
I love this reply. - so what is your strategy ( I only speak English and can not understand the video lol)
I have added your name to the list
Thank you babe!! :)
And solely because you loved my reply, I'm gonna please you by revealing my Machiavellian strategy to drive you nuts in your own tongue. };)
However, I think the original 'spanish' version was a LOT funnier. :o)
:) Actually I think she needs to meditate more than eat twistos lol.
Ah! C'mon @petervroom. She is a smart girl. She can do both 'tasks' simultaneously wonderfully well!! }:)
lol thank you for finding the english version - your effort gets a vote