
Thanks for giving me strength and motivation again. It is very nice to hear from you :) I love hearing "We Will WIN."

Don't give up now, we are closer than I have ever seen in my 35 years of being an anarchist.

The world is on fire, and maybe, just maybe, we got a corruption fighter in the white house.
Not that his corruption will ever be exposed, but maybe he will take down the criminal cabal that has ruled since they killed Kennedy, and anybody else that opposed them.

That is very up-lifting to hear that you believe we are very close to freedom now.

I do have a hard time believing that we have a corruption fighter in the white house because all the elections are rigged and they have complete control over the system, I believe. At this time, they have manipulated the system to such an extent that they would never allow a corruption fighter to get elected, that is just not possible, I do not believe.

I do however believe that they would fool us into thinking that we have a corruption fighter in charge and that this person is on our side. They would make him state beliefs that are in line with the truth, but at the same time, no significant changes will be made and everything will remain as so. That is how I am reading the situation in the white house.

Thanks for your insight and your dedication to freedom for us all :)

I think the iron fist is getting a new face on its puppet.
Maybe, they will take down the Satanists that killed Kennedy, maybe not.

At the end of this, it is unlikely that freedom is the end goal, for those pulling the strings.

Our only real escape is in the minds of the people.
Until they drop their love of slavery freedom will not be here.

If everybody planted a garden and had their chicken coups in order, we wouldn't be having these problems, imo.