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in #noe6 years ago

(e) Halogens have essential electronic structure of ………. .
(f) In the reaction with ammonia, boron trifluoride behave as an ………. .
(g) The IUPAC name of di-methyl methylene is ………. .

  1. Select the correct word(s) given in the bracket. (7 marks)
    (a) Proteins is ( polymer, copolymer, monomer).
    (b) The molecule of (NH3, ClF3, BCl3) does not deviate octet rule.
    (c) The volume of the gas decreases (rapidly, slowly, regularly) with regular decrease of temperature.
    (d) The anhydrous sodium carbonate can be used as a (an) (indicator, catalyst, primary standard)
    (e) Faraday’s laws express the (qualitative, quantitative, volumetric) results of electrolysis.
    (f) Oxidation number of sulphur in H2SO3 is ( +6,+4,-2) .
    (Answer ALL questions)
  2. (a) 0.5 kg of orange squash at 30℃ is placed in a refrigerator which can remove heat at an average rate of
    25Js-1. How long will it take to cool the orange squash to 5℃?The specific heat capacity of orange squash
    is 4200 J kg-1℃-1. (4 marks )
    (b) An object is 200cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 15cm.How far must the screen be placed
    from the centre of curvature of the concave mirror to receive the image of the object? If the object is 2cm
    tall, find the size of the image. (4 marks )

7.(a)A heat resistant glass at 15℃ is fully filled with 250cm3 of glycerine.If the temperature increases to 25℃
how much glycerine overflows? The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerine is 5.1x 10-4K-1 and that
of heat resistant glass is 0.09x10-4K-1 . (4 marks )
(b)An object 5cm tall is 15 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 10cm.Can its image