
uhm...isn't that too disturbing? I mean, this goes way further than simple spam...

You should probably get the fuck off the internet, go outside and go talk to someone that can help you with the obvious mental health issues. This behavior isn't remotely something acceptable from an individual that claims to be a god loving christian. :/

I believe under the newer terrorist bills this would be viewed as an act of terror under the American Law.. Not that I'm a huge fan of the governments hold on people but when you start saying crap like this and threatening public events it's not long after that cops show up, bootfuck your door down and go throw you in a cage for 2-10 years for uttering threats, conspiracy to commit murder, etc etc..

Take it from someone who knows man, if you're not having a good time step away and focus on something else.. Hell of a lot more respectable than having some violent delusion meltdown and getting your ass smashed in while doing time in the clink for saying careless words.

This is precisely why you cannot have nice things @noganoo.

I'll leave this comment unflagged because I think the community deserves to see the type of antisocial behavior that has been a catalyst for your account being flagged into oblivion.

You won't do shit little man. I'll give you my address, come see me you woman beater.

tsk tsk, what would jesus say about that comment?

how the fuck do you have so many upvotes to your comment?

@noganoo took advantage of an exploit in the signup system early on and has thousands of accounts. Evidently @command-center is one of them.

we're doomed, aren't we?