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RE: Nomad Life - First Night in the Nevada Wilds

in #nomad6 years ago

Nevada certainly has some magic to it, a very unique energy. I didn't see any coyotes this time, but I definitely heard them.

Ya, the underground bases are huge and my understanding is that they're connected by an underground highway system. Wonder if they'll ever make that officially public.

It's hard to stay in touch with ourselves in this crazy world, and places like this make it easier to get centered again. You are lucky to live where you have easy access to this kind of place.


Man, I love going to kingman Arizona and playing out in the wash... you talk about fun, adventure and you can just be .... man. I go there. Let music bounce off the mountains (they are red there). Have quiet moments and resonate with nature. Here's a Dtube snap so you can see terrain. It's like 7 seconds long. But my point is it leads winding down to Colorado river.... just beautiful. Kingman Wash. Mile marker 2. You gotta kinda walk down, past a drainage area for rain off, but keep going and it just opens up a beautiful world. With colorful mountains. Tangible. I I think you'd like it.

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Thanks for the tip, I hope to check Kingman Wash out soon!