When you @battleaxe and indeed we all as a race see their true crimes the ones done in cyrpts and castles, we will be withot words in face of their crimes beyong human imagination !T hese people are veritable vampires and feed literally from our pain, fear and most sadl from our lost childrens innocence and flesh !! And sure tyey spray us like the bugs in their bed !! Disgusting individuals that should and will be I pray dealth with !
When you @battleaxe and indeed we all as a race see their true crimes the ones done in cyrpts and castles, we will be withot words in face of their crimes beyong human imagination !T hese people are veritable vampires and feed literally from our pain, fear and most sadl from our lost childrens innocence and flesh !! And sure tyey spray us like the bugs in their bed !! Disgusting individuals that should and will be I pray dealth with !