Superb post, though the quote "I'm talking about the merger of corporations and the state" happened a long time ago, hence bailouts for the too big to fail all the time, with tax payers money, have you never thought why BANKS do not bail out other banks? or why government print money then want it back in the form of TAX? and why do government have to pay low paid corporate workers a subsidy to survive in countries like the UK when the same corporations they work for are given tax breaks to the point that Google and Apple combined pay less tax in the UK than the average single factory worker does per year, you see, that merger my friend happened a very long time ago.
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Thanks mate,
Like you I'm well aware that it's not a new thing. I was trying to get to the point that the media are now being fully weaponised without any subtlety to ensure that doesn't change hence the attacks on anything that will threaten the paradigm. Trump, Brexit etc.
None of the points you make are news to me, I've been awake for a long time, check out my earlier posts. But there are many folks here still in the dark and reading our interactions can help wake more folks up.
Cheers for reading and commenting buddy.
My bad if you thought I did not think you were awake, I can see you totally are, and I am happy you are spreading the word, I went blue in the face trying to wake people up in the UK, so I left and came to Poland, luckily here they are very clued up, not only will I check your other posts, I instantly added you to my follow list, and everyone else you gave a mention to in the post, now I need to clear out some of the not so good I am following, and sort my news feed out to what I want to see, very nice to meet you, and looking forward to reading back, and future posts.
I only found you due to following perceptualflaws and seeing a mention to you on his post and found perceptual from a v4vapid post..
It can be frustrating trying to wake people up and having travelled the world for many years I understand that outside of the western paradigm people are far more award of the lies being fed through the media.
Are you on discord?
If not you should join us, there is a link in the post, we have a great truth thread there with many like minded Steemians who will no doubt support your work and who's work you can access easily.
Hopefully see your there mate.PF and I are great friends we joined within a few weeks of each other. V is also a great friend and supporter. As I said in the post there are many here at Steemit looking to disseminate the truth, it's great to have you on board @deliberator
Yes I joined the discord network, I had no idea you had a dedicated truth channel though, now I know, I feel like I just threw 4 weeks down the toilet, not finding out when I joined the site, I will 100% be looking to discord tomorrow, with pleasure :-)
Don't worry about it dude, your time hasn't been wasted if you've been networking. It didn't even exist when I joined Steemit but we've got a great group in there now.
If you have time check my post from a few days ago, I am on the bottom of the pond, so my work goes mainly unnoticed, and my style is still not defined or up to scratch, the message is there though, I just need to get up to speed with inserting giphs and vectors .