Well as much as I think that shitholegate is a waste of time - not because it is unimportant but because no one gives a shit what Trump says anymore since "pussy grabbing" was given a free pass and set the bar for acceptable behaviour as well below the belt. That's just the way it is. If we could move past the name and ask why the "shitholes" are the way they are, and how we are rapidly moving toward shitholes status, that would be a more interesting discussion.
It's like the endless debate about whether Trump lies - he does, get over it, just accept it and move on, or if he is obese - he is, get over it, wouldn't be the first and won't be the last, or if he cheated on his wives and fucked hookers and other women - he did, get over it, wouldn't be the first president that did that (Kennedy, Clinton, who else?).
Maybe if you want no more fake news you should persuade the one need station Trump supporters do watch to play with that game and stop with the endless bullshit propaganda agreeing with whatever narrative comes out of the Whitehouse today even if it is 180 from the previous day.
But really, nomorefakenews isn't going to hurt the lamestream media, they weren't relying on your eyeballs and clicks anyway. That's why pretty much every media outlet Trump likes to call "failing" isn't actually failing, and for the most part are doing better than ever in recent Internet era times. And so is fox too. Which just goes to show most people couldn't give a damn about their content, they just want salacious rhetoric.