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RE: Sick of Corporate fake news? Let's do something about it.

It appears we have have missed each other's point which is ok, differing opinions and healthy debate is good. I mistook you for one of the many trolls that pervade social media sites these days which is why I went on the offensive.

IMO the networks should be ignored as they're trying to control the thoughts their viewers by spinning non stories in tit for tat attacks on the opposing side they support, something they should never do. Report the facts on real stories and let the viewers form their own opinions, that's my issue. No impartiality and bullshit narratives created to distract from real and important stories.

Bottom line : #nomorefakenews needs to be applied all the way around. Left, Right etc..

I totally agree.

If Truth is where you are going and want to go, then I'm all in with you. Sometimes I might be fidgety with some contrarian views along the way but in the long run TRUTH always has to be prize we keep our eyes on.


That's the attitude which will slowly make a change if we can get folks to adopt it. Write posts along those lines and you'll get traction here, a good following and maybe a few bucks into the bargain.

Peace dude.


Yep, sounds good. Iam Following you now and look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future. I know for all people to a certain extent it can be damn hard to Follow the Truth because it can hurt so damn much. i.e religion, relationships, hard core family traditions and beliefs etc..etc.. But not being led by Truth and not trying to find it can hurt so much more.