None Of The Above


They just see and assume, just assume?
Assumption is unreal, your version of their side is unreal
Only real is real, unreal is not real
Don't pursue unreal, don't build unreal.

Facial expressions are wrongly read, what you read?
One expression is not the one, it's not the one.
Time to be silent, no judgement
Let people express, silence is greatest way to express.

Life is full of choices, all kinds of choices
We never know what will happen, how it's going to happen
But something will happen, it will happen
Don't assume, there is nothing to assume.

We came into this life with limited time, battling time
What we are doing? Just battling
Life is collective battling, conscious and subconscious battling
Battles, meaningful and meaningless.

At the end nothing exists, everything perishes
Feel your live moment, alive moment
Live moment is individual truth, no one knows other's individual truth
No truth is above, none of the above.

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"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
