GNU GCC Noob oh my!

in #noob7 years ago

Today was quite boring for me I had to set-up a tent out back for the munchkin in my life and her buddies to do some back yard camping. I was also tasked with spying on them to make sure they don't like the back yard on fire or get into too much trouble.

I decided to learn how to build a simple Operating System to pass the time on a borrowed MacBook Pro I have access to.

Now the shit part:

  1. I need to bootstrap a compiler since my current compiler is old AF when compared to the latest GCC release.

  2. Only rule is no changing the OS so home-brew is needed >.<

  3. After reading the horror stories of home-brew and me being a total noob too boot I decided not to pursue the project.

Best case scenario was that I complete a simple boot loader without fucking up either my code or the computer I'm borrowing. I have a nerdgasm and post my success on social media for props. Worst case scenario I screw the computer majorly through my noob ass doing something stupid and have to explain to the actual owner why I thought it was a good idea(they use their MacBook like they use the dvd player w/ a little Facebook and youtube sprinkled on top).

So the above is the real reason I decided to post my excuse for procrastination on learning the GNU GCC OS Dev wizardry. Also why it will be only high level languages that do not require compilation from here up until I acquire another pc/laptop that is 100% mine... probably 2 pc's/laptop's in case I fuck up the first one.

end rant.