North Korea lauched a missile test and they said it's a gift to americans... Let's Talk.

in #northkorea7 years ago (edited)

I think the launch was a test...Because when you think about it, North Korea can nuke South Korea and Japan (Which are allies of U.S.A) But they can't reach U.S.A still because they don't have a strong enough missile, YET! The last missile launch they say was a gift to celebrate the 4th of july or something but...LET'S BE HONEST NO ONE IS GOTTA BELIEVE THAT SHIT! The last missile test has enough power to reach alaska. Because they can't threat U.S.A because they don't have strong enough missile for now but they will soon enough (And because U.S.A already had rockets to reach Russia since the cold war.) Donald trump is planning to ally with China to cut supplies of the North Korea so they can't build missile or make test launches anymore. (Because North Korea and China are good allies). Will Donald Trump stop North Korea from building missile to each U.S.A? We will have to see but...
What do you think? Let me know in the comments.


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Why wouldn't they want to be able to send a missile to the continental U.S.? Nukes are the only deterrent to a U.S. attack. Look at all the countries the U.S. has recently invaded/forcefully changed regimes (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya). None of them were nuclear capable.

I think that if the Norks launch a missile that is aimed at anyone, it will be blown out of the sky about ten seconds before North Korea is obliterated.