Hello @ramta!
Of course the necklace will be yours and also the famous Cashback.
It interests me a lot to do business with you sir.
Happy to satisfied your expectations
Yes I know the song wicked game - Chris Isaak, it's my brother @hasmez who made me discover this style of old song, it's a funny version 😄
Best regards
Hello again @AmalMez
The money is transferred and I will wait for the necklace to arrive.
So you have a big sister and now I learn that @HasMez is your brother. Is he younger or older than you and your sister?
Kristian Valen doing Ozzy Osbourne https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmPegxJVQaPN5dJfeWCbmSmoGzg7HsPq93heAQJT74JaRo, and Lita Ford:
Regards and say hello to your sister and brother
@Ramta Reddington
Hi @ramta,
I am older than @gagago;
@gagago is older than @redouanemez;
And @redouanemez is older than @amalmez
Hello @Ramta
Ooh yes it's the family hierarchy, and we have other brothers and sisters who are not yet penetrated the world of steemit😊😆
Hello @ramta!
I received the money, and also your address.
I'm going to send you the necklace once I go home, because I came to my mother's house in another city, I'm traveling to took my son to see his grandmother for a few days, once I go home I send it to you as soon as possible.
Happy to close a new business with you, it's an honor
Best regards
Hi @amalmez,
It's better to set a precise date when to send the item to @ramta.
In regards to the garage sale issue 4 auction, just send 24 SBD to @everydaycoach. I'm sure you will have the cashback because you are dealing with honest people here. Remember that it remains only 4 days to be upvoted.
Excuse me if I interfere with your business, it's just a big brother's advice!
The last decision is yours.
Enjoy your trip to Meknes
Hi @hasmez!
With pleasure my dear brother,
The mail I will send it scheduled within 15 days,
And for the auction of pots as i do not have enough sbd, I asked sir @everydaycoach to give me time until I got the cashback, and saw that now i have received the payment from sir @ramta of course I am going to settle things, and I apologize again to @everydaycoach, I would not want to hinder your work. Honesty and integrity are my principles.
Thank you very much for your understanding and happy to close deals with you.
Best regards