
I bid 34 SBD for the T-shirt - Jeg byr 34 SBD for T-skjorte

My guesstimate on the Views 813 - Jeg gjetter ca. 813 Views

You are the winner of auction 12 Issue 4 @TommyHansen
Du er vinneren av auksjon 12 Utgave 4 @TommyHansen

Just send 34 SBD to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.

Bare send 34 SBD til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.

The Upvote Apparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Upvote apparatet vil nå tilkalle folk for å komme å gi deg CashBack.

I have transferred the money to @Babsboard - thank you.

Jeg har nå overført pengene til @Babsboard - takk for handelen.

Made by @lordoftruth

I need that beautiful & cool Steem T-Shirt for my little sister.
My Bid is 16 SBD for this beautiful T-Shirt.

My guesstimate the Views on this post time will be 625.


Hi @babsboard. I'm back and wants this shirt.

My bid is 15SBD

I guess it will have 635 views

Kindest @FruFiffi

I know when i am gona wear this Beautiful Steem T-Shilt, everyone gona say WoW. So i need that Cool Steem T-Shirt.

My Bid is 22 SBD.

My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 500.

I love @Steemit & I need one of those @Steemit T-Shirt so I can represent @Steemit by wearing it.

So I raise my Bid to 31 SBD.


This is such a cool tshirt with steemit logo.I need this one for this summer.My bid is 10SBD.My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 725,total reply will be 191 and highest bid will be 37SBD. image

I want this smart looking Steem T-Shirt for my Spring break that's why i raise my BID to 24 SBD.


I will never give up until I get this beloved t-shirt I bid 22 SBD
My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 235.Reply will be 48 and highest bid will be 28SBD.
2018-04-07-16-09-34-771.jpgHei @babsboard,

hello @babsboard you are welcome again

My offer for the famous t shirt is guesstimate closing time will be 225 Views. and the highest bid will be 27SBD.

Need one those Cool @Steem T-Shirt. My T-Shirt size is L(large). My new @BID for this Cool @Steem T-Shirt is 25 SBD.


I love @Steem that's why i want the beautiful steem T-shirt.

My Bid for the beautiful Steem T-Shirt is 17 SBD.

My guesstimate this post will make 700 Views

My Bid for this dashing & attractive Steem T-Shirt is 19 SBD.

This post will make 750 Views.


I raise my Bid to 23 SBD.


I wished I could participate in this auction of this wonderful t-shirt with the logo of Steemit but unfortunately I do not have enough to win and I hope that @Babsboard don't stop showing it until I can someday get it. Regards, @smer

Hi @babsboard.

i bid 33 sbd for this tshirt.

I really want to wear which has a logo of steemit as I am a steemian.My offer is 12SBD.!My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 652.Reply will be 176 and highest bid will be 46SBD.ClearcutWetGrayreefshark-max-1mb.gif

My bid is for this lucrative tshirt for is 20SBD.My My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 520.Reply will be 187 and highest bid will be 41SBD.51.png

By any means I wanna win this bid.I wanna give it as a gift to my boyfriend.I will raise my bid.My new bid is 29SBD.images45.png

My guesstimate for this post at the end will be 640.

Jeg vil kjøpe denne t-skjorten.
kan vi møtes?