Here at the garage sales* everybody are welcome to sell something, make an auction, buy and bid.
If you pay close attention to the rules, what other people do, you will earn more and have more fun. You can do it big time if you are honest and clever.
- Write your own post where you as detailed as you wish presents what you sell and at what price.
- Write a reply on this page where you briefly tell what you are selling, at what price and if there are any benefits for the buyer - CashBack, SBD from Upvoting in return etc.
- Then paste a link to your own post.
- Now you can paste a link from your post to your product here, where you make the money.
Now you have the chance that your product will be sold and you are friendly to the ecosystem. If your product is not sold the first time you try, you still have this benefits:
- Steemians usually Upvote each other in here. What did you say? I earn money for trying to sell my stuff? Yes, you do.
- Try to understand the CashBack. I heard that it have happened that Steemians have got more in CashBack than the price of the product when they bought it? Yes, that have happened! Nobody can promise that due to the nature of STEEM and SBD, but as you now understand the CashBack is usually BIG.
- We have a lot of fun in here and sometimes we have games so you can win. Is there any games now? Yes, if you can guesstimate how many Responses this post will get (you can only guess once when you bid) you will get some really big Upvotes (many $).
Did you know that Steemit has the fastest Blockchain (it is called Graphene) with no fees.
Norwegian version:
Her på garasjesalgs* sidene er alle velkomne til å selge noe, lage en auksjon, kjøpe ting og by på auksjonene.
Hvis du leser reglene nøye, ser hva andre gjør, vil du tjene mer og ha mer moro. Du kan gjøre det stort hvis du er ærlig og flink.
- Skriv din egen post hvor du så detaljert som du ønsker presenterer hva du selger og til hvilken pris.
- Skriv en Reply på denne siden hvor du kortfattelig forteller hva du selger, til hvilken pris og hvilke fordeler du gir til kjøperen - CashBack, SBD fra Upvoting av din kommentar osv.
- Så limer du inn linken herfra i din egen post.
- Nå kan du lime inn en link i posten din hit (hvor det lønnsomme salget skjer).
Nå har du mulighet for at produktet ditt blir solgt og du er vennlig mot økosystemet. Hvis produktet ditt ikke blir solgt første gangen, har du forsatt disse fordelene:
- Steemere Upvoter vanligvis hverandre her inne. Hva sa du? Tjener jeg penger på å prøve å selge tingene mine her? Ja, det gjør du.
- Forsøk å forstå CashBack systemet vi kjører. Jeg har hørt det har hendt at Steemere har fått mer CashBack enn de betalte for produktet når de kjøpte det? Ja, det har hendt. Ingen kan love at det skjer på grunn av STEEM og SBD sin natur, men som du da forstår så er CashBack'en vanligvis betydelig.
- Vi har ganske mye moro her på sidene og noen ganger har vi konkurranser så du kan vinne. Er det noen spill på gang nå? Ja, hvis du kan tippe antallet Responses denne posten vil få (du kan bare tippe en gang sammen med at du byr på en vare) får du noen store Upvoter (mange $).
Our auction 16 is closed - Vår auksjon 16 er stengt
Products for sale are open - Produkter for salg er åpent
*Garage sale - n.
- A sale of used household belongings, typically held outdoors
or in a garage at the home of the seller. - Garage sale exist as a new *phenomena on
*Phenomena - n. pl.
- An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.
- pl. phe•nom•e•nons
A remarkable or outstanding wonder. - Physics: An observable event.
Auction Closed - Auksjon Stengt
In Game of Thrones they say, "the winter is coming" I say the summer is coming.
And when the summer is coming we need to plant in our garden to make it beautiful.
So why not bid on this fantastic felt pots. It's as usual a set of 3 pots.
Best regards EveryDayCoach
Follow this link to main post click here
Hi, My new bid is 28 SBD.
In this picture, I imagine that these plants want to BID also by lifting the paintings.😆(Just for joking)
Just send 28 SBD to @everydaycoach. In the memo you write your name, address and country. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @everydaycoach and you that can read it.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Have a great day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Hi Dear @achrafo, Congratulation for winning those Beautiful & Strong Grow Felt Pots.
There’s your reward for all the hardwork you put in! Enjoy every bit of it!Congratulation to Dear @Achrafo,
Hi @everydaycoach
Yes, I did it, I'm happy to get the deal, so once I will get these 3 usefull pots, I'll plant my favorite herbs with all love.
I have sent you money in addition to my informations, and I am very grateful to deal with you @everydaycoach.
Kind Regards @achrafo
So nice, I'm looking forward to see your upcoming post with this pots:-)
Since it is holiday in Norway to day I will ship your items tomorrow.
Nice doing business with you Sir. and thanks a lot for your quick transfer.
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
As always, Live My Motto
I am the happiest, doing business with you sir, this is a great honor, we are also on a holiday here in Morocco because it is Labor Day, well I will be waiting for my purchases eagerly.
Sir @everydaycoach accept my greetings and appreciation.
Hello @achrafo,
You've got it, and now you can practice your hobby in planting with a product from Norway and this of course has a special fun.
Congrats with winning the felt pots!
Thank you very much for congratulate me, it's a great kindness on your part @valth.
Wishing you even more success in the future.
Congratulations @achrafo
I am really happy for your win. Plant some seeds on these grow pots & enjoy the vegetables & fruits. Many many Congratulation to you @achrafo.
@Achrafo you win the bid of these lovely Pots.
Congratulation for that winning. Wishing you for the next BID.
Hello @EveryDayCoach
I think this is the best time of the year here in Norway. It´s still a bit early to plant but I´m planning for a nice patio this year and these pots would be perfect...
I bid 25 SBD - Jeg byr 25 SBD
Best regards from
Hi @barbro !
Here also in Morocco this is the best time of the year !
My mother likes pots for plants a lot, and She puts them in every corner of the house :)
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hi Everyone,
I am back with my new offer.
My new offer is 21 SBD.
Hello @everydaycoach,
My new bid for this 3 pots is 27 SBD
One of the hobbies I like to practice and find myself in is planting, so I think I will need such things that will definitely help me practice my hobby.Hi @everydaycoach,
I bid for this pots 18 SBD
I also need those grow felt pots for my Strawberry seedlings Plants.
That's why i raise my BID to 16 SBD.
Want to grow some Paprika Plant on these Felt Pots.
MY New Offer is 20 SBD.
My new bid is 17 SBD
Hello @everydaycoach
Yes, you are right the summer is coming and I need to plant some of th aromatic herbs that extinguishes the heat of the atmosphere by cooking and drinking it,and there is nothing better than grass grown naturally and without chemicals.
I Bid for this 3 pots 14 SBD.
Regards @gagago
I am really sorry Dear @Achrafo , i still need those grow pots for my Tomato Seedlings.
I raise my bid to 19 SBD.
My new bid for these good looking 3 felt pots is 9 SBD.
I am gona plant some tomato seedling in those felt pots thats why i raise my bid to 12 SBD.
When they grow, they are gona look just like that.
I bid 6 SBD.
And I guesstimate that we get 120 responses in total.
This is the best time for tree plantation.I need this for my balcony garden.This is very nice for indoor gardening.My bid is 5.5SBD.
Hi Dear @Everydaycoach, another amazing fantastic felt pots auction. I need those fantastic felt pots for my Rooftop Garden.
I start my Bid with 3 SBD.
My Bid for these beautiful pot is 6 SBD.
My guesstimate this post will get 115 responses.
Winter is gone, Summer is here so need some planting to do. Those Strong & waterproof felt pots are really good for Plant some Seeds.
My BID is 5 SBD.
I raise my Bid for these beautiful pot is to 15 SBD.
I want those Waterproof, Durable & also suitable to every soil grow pots (a set of 3 pots).
I BID 11 SBD for those sets of 3 pots.
Hi @everydaycoach,this is a nice thing for gardening.I wanna buy this.My bid is 3.5SBD.
In our country this is the best time for planting tree.It's rainy season.I like those felt pots for my garden.My bid is 7SBD.
Auction CLOSED - Auksjon STENGT
Have fun and bid what you want.
Don't forget our famous cash back.
To see the post click here)
Here is a video clip from youtube about making money. From Tony Robbins
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Hi @babsboard sir thanks for this garage sale. Hi @everydaycoach sir i need those 20steem by any means.Sorry @dannywills i can't let it go.So i raise my bid.My new bid is 37.5SBD. Best regard's @rupok.
Just send 37.55 SBD to @everydaycoach.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Have a great day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Hi dear @Rupok Congratulations, i'm so so happy for you ;)
Glad to have your visit mr @gentlebot 😊
Congratulations with the great win:-) I hope the Upvote Cannon Boat will treat you well.
As a celebration i had a friend of mine do a little dance for you:-)
Hi @Rupok Big thanks to @everdydaycoach and @babsboard for this great auctions
Hi @funcontest thank's a lot to you for your love.The sweet words from you will help me to do even better in life.
Congratulations @rupok to win the 20 Steem, you are brave and you deserve them.
I will wait until next time to win the 20 steen of Mr. @everydaycoach
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Thank's @redouanemez for your inspiring word.Wish you luck for the next time.
Mr. @Rupok. You really deserve it because you tried so hard to win this Bid. I congratulate you for this win. Have fun.
Congratulations to @rupok for winning this auction.You are a true fighter.
@everydaycoach sir thank's to you for give me the chance to win this.I want to thank all other participant in this auction for taking part in such enjoyable auction.Sir @everydaycoach i have send 37.55SBD to you.Please check it.
Thanks for the transfer:-) I have sent you 20 STEEM and hope you will spend them well. We always recomend you to do power up so the money will work more for you in the future.
Hi @Rupok We will put on more auctions in the next post from @BabsBoard and we are looking forward to your bidding there also:-)
Best Regards @EveryDayCoach
Please take a moment looking at this video from one of my favorite life coaches...
Hi @everydaycoach sir i have got the desired 20steem,I am ready for the next auction.Now i am waiting for the Upvote Cannon Boat.Ha ha ha.
Congrats with winning the 20 Steem, @Rupok!
Thank's a lot to @valth sir.Comment from big shot like you gives me a lot of courage.God bless you sir.
Happy to see you are the winner because your hard working helped you to win and special thanks who arranged this platform.
Congratulations @rupok !
Thank's @tangera for your sweet words.
Congratulation's to @rupok for this brilliant success.
Hi @Rupok finally your hard work paid off. Now you are the winner of this Bid arranged by Dear @BabsBoard & Dear @EveryDayCoach.
Enjoy every moment of it. Many many Congratulation to you.
I have got the steem you transferred.Thank's to @everydaycoach sir.Now waiting for the Upvote Cannon Boat.
@Rupok you the winner of this 20 @Steem Bid contest.
Congratulations with the great win, Number one.
Congratulation Dear @Rupok, you are the winner.
You love taking challenges and you deserve this win. I congratulate you for your win.@Rupok.
I bid 15 SBD.
It's not gonna be easy sara.I want those 20steem.So i raise my bid.My new bid is 16SBD.
I need those 20 steem, my bid is 17SBD.
I also need that badly.So I am also in the race.My bid is 15.5 SBD.
My new bid is 23 SBD for the 20 Steem.
Hey @everydaycoach.I hope you are fine.Thank's to @babsboard sir for this auction.I am highly interested about those 20steem.I need those to power up my sp.So my bid is 17.5SBD.
I will not give up so easily. I need those 20 Steem.
My new bid 31 SBD.
Hi @everydaycoach,
I bid 20 SBD for those 20 STEEM.
Need those 20 @Steem so that i could increase my @SteemPower.
Hi Dear @EveryDayCoach, thank you so much for giving us a great opportunity to get those 20 @steem. My Bid for those 20 @steem is 24 SBD.
I badly need those 20 steems, so i raised my bid ,my new price is 18SBD.
I don't have much sp.That's why i need this 20steem.My price is 16.5 SBD.My guesstimate is 134 response this post will get.
Hi everyone, Hope you all are doing great.
Sorry for the late entry. And sorry @Mdsahid, these 20 Steem is mine.
I start my bid with 27 SBD.
Sorry my brother! Even though I won the last 20 steem auction, I need also those 20 steem!
So I bid 36 SBD.
I'm sorry @rupok I will not let you take the 20 steem :)
So I bid 35 SBD.
Regards @Redouanemez
Hi @hasmez i am also sorry.I must get this 20steem.So i also raise my bid.My new bid is 36.5SBD. Best regards @rupok
*** Hello @everydaycoach,***
My bid for this 20 steem is 34 SBD
Sorry Dear @Latikasha, Hope you understand. Those 20 @Steem is mine.
I raise my BID to 32 SBD.
Hi @gagago I am still interested in those 20steem.So i raise my bid.My new price is 34.5SBD.
Hi @EveryDayCoach, thanks for this great video of Tony Robbins. Simply Amazing.
My offer is 30 SBD.
Auction is getting hotter and i am not in the mood of leave it.Every one get ready for some more action.So my new bid is 33SBD.
I must get this 20steem somehow.So i also raise my price.New price is 26.5 SBD.
Sorry @pijon i am not letting it go easily.So i also raise my bid.My new bid is 28.5SBD.
Hi, Everyone i am back again with my new offer. Sorry Dear @Rupok i need those 20 @Steem to increase my voting power. That's why i raise my BID.
My new offer for those 20 @Steem is 37 SBD.
Regards @Dannywill.
I raise my BID to 28 SBD.
Hi @everydaycoach i have sent 37.55SBD to you. Thank's to @babsboard @ramta @tommyhansen @barbro @valth @everydaycoach and all other who are participating such nice auction.Thank's to all of you for giving me this opportunity to win the bid.I am really very happy for winning this.this is the payment proof.
I will not let it go.So i raise my bid.My new bid is 26SBD.Hi @babsboard i am really enjoying this auction.
Now this time it will be tough for anybody to take this auction from me.By any how I will win.My bid is 1.5SBD.
Hello @babsboard, hello everybody,
The price is : 50 SBD
For more info about the items click on the following link :
Hi @gagago Is it a direct sell post or a auction post?
Hi @rupok, no dear it's not an auction post, it's a direct sell💰😉
Thank's dear @gagago for your reply.Wish you luck and success.
Hi @babsboard and everybody
I Put for sale this traditional Moroccan bellows called "Rabouz", which remains essential in many homes, especially in the countryside and mountainous region, it is for use and decoration as well
The prise is 25 SBD
And of course do not forget the wonderful cashback.
This is the link for more info :
Best regards @smer
Hi everybody
I put for sale this Spider Massage Tool for : 30 STEEM.
Of course I will not forget that Cashback is king
For more info take a look at this link :
Selling e cigarette. Almost brand new.
Minimum 10sbd. free worldwide shipping.
Don't upvote your own comment @scandinaviaguide. You may not be upvoted by others. Read the annotations above.
I think it's really good post ever @babsboard thankyou for share us.
Hei @babsboard i would like to have this T-shirt so i BID 35 SBD
Hi, @momar. You need to reply your bid as a reply to the comment with the auction, not as a reply to the main post. They might not see it down here ;) So you should add a new reply to make sure your bid is seen before it is too late.
Thanks for the tip @ valth
You're welcome! It's a good thing you saw it before the auction closed ;)
I put on sale a beautiful piece of decoration, that you can put it in your living room or even on your office ...
Price : 38 Steem
The related post :
Every SBD generated from this comment will be transferred to the buyer.
Your satisfaction and my reputation are my priorities
Hi @babsboard and everyone !Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hi everyone i want to sell this beautiful diary.
The price is 80SBD.25%Cash back is there.Buyer will bear the postal charge.
Hi @babsboard For more info visit this link- Best regards @rupok
Some photos i edited for you,i think you like this....
Upvote & resteem @babsboard
it is true that it is stupid to let good money fall by looking for miniscules.
I want to thank you for sharing useful informationHi @babsboard and @ramta! Yes you're right, i filed an answer to a comment and i came after i discovered that @gentlebot has upvoted for me a good upvote, and it's really interesting.
Best regards
@babsboard Your post show how to be in touch with our group and win, open mind and to motivate.
Sir from now I am following you.........
Hi @babsboard!
I really did not pay attention when I sometimes made upvote to my own comments, I thank my sister @AmalMez who informed me about it and I really think it's a good idea, so from now on I'll never do upvote to my comments here in your posts, and I hope everyone do the same thing.
I also noticed that there are people who leave standard comments without even understanding the subject of the post, it is necessary to warn them not to have like this kind of useless participations.
Best Regards @RedouaneMez
Hello @babsboard!
Happy to see the T-shirt again, I’ll do my best this once.
I will start my bidding at
Have a great day
Hi, @zahidul0. You need to reply your bid as a reply to the comment with the auction, not as a reply to the main post. They might not see it down here ;) So you should add a new reply to make sure your bid is seen before it is too late.
my new bid is 10 sbd
My bid for the t-shirt is 10 sbd and i guess the number of 123 responses for this auction.
Good luck to everyone.
You made a mistake in placing the comment, try to correct it as soon as possible, you put it outside the famous t-shirt post ;)Hi @aminekad
Thank you very much @gagago, i know that i did that mistake but i have changed my bid in the correct place under the t-shirt auction area. So i think i do not need to delete my first comment.
Thank you again.
Beautiful T-shirts! My offer is 1.4 SBD. Guaranteed 99 responses!
You made a mistake in placing the comment, try to correct it as soon as possible, you put it outside the famous t-shirt post ;)Hi @seha76
Oops! Sorry! I was not aware of it because of the rush :) Thanks @gagago!
Hi @babsboard,
I propose you to note the guesstimates of each of us because perhaps someone will edit and change his prediction. especially since the 20 steem auction has just been added, hence the number of comments will increase.
Hi @hasmez are you indicating me?Look man this time i missed the early part of auction.So this is my first bid in this auction.I just forgot to add the guesstimate,that's why seconds later i just added the guesstimate.I din't changed anything just added.I think now you are clear.To me this auction is the best part of steemit.So i will never try to do anything which will harm this place.God bless all.
No no @sarahmcdowell2 I'm not indicating you nor anyone here at the garage sale pages ha ha ha. I have changed "surely" in my comment above to "perhaps". So keep cool and good luck for you and for anyone here.
Now i am feeling a bit more relieved.Because i just love this auction.I don't want to do anything harmful for this auction.Thank's @hasmez you are a kind person.
This is the great post I have ever seen @babsboard. Its really amazing and awesome. Thank you so much for sharing.
Please Stop - @isratjahan
You just said "great post" and in your your last 100 comments you used 67 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 0 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 60.20% and Bot: 3.70%
Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.
@babsboard very helpful post .. thanks for share
@babsboard..... Thank you so much for this helpful and interesting post.
my new bid for t-shirt is 11 sbd...
Hello, @zahidul0. You must not give your Bid to the main article. In addition you must give a superior offer to the last offer ! I think we are now at 36 SBD.
Please try to read the rules carefully to participate.
Regards @Redouanemez
Nice article! Vote and ressteemed you post! Great.
I think you have not read the post content!
Avoid standard comments @duendeath !
great post boss.
Please @kafkajnr avoid writing such comments and try to read the content of the post to understand what it is about.
Thanks for your understanding.
If really i have to say this, than I will, you have a very powerful grace in you boss..
I think you have not read the post content!
Avoid standard comments @emmanueltare !
Wonderful post
thanks for sharing
Hello @babsboard!
Happy to see the T-shirt again, I’ll do my best this once.
I will start my bidding at
Have a great day
Hi @babsboard,
Thankyou you very much for the new annotations added above!
I already learned from Ramta that it is better not to upvote one own comment because you lose the chance to get upvoted from robots like @gentlebot or @thing-2. But I didn't apply this advice sometimes because I want my comment to be trending among other comments!
are you not ashamed of yourself? You convey what I literally said in your last two comments !! This way you will not win in steemit. Try to make a small effort to write comments.
I downvoted you in your last two comments because of this.
Very True @hasmez!!