Congratulations Mr. @Redouanemez and Hello to @BabsBoard and y'all.
I can't help thinking about Mr. Wolf in Tarantino's film 'Pulp Fiction'; the fixer who solves problems ...
He has some resemblance to Red Reddington in Blacklist, doesn't he? It was good guess Mr. @Redouanemez. I am impressed. I'm also quite impressed with @BabsBoard who again manage to express themselves clearly . Traps are probably a well known phenomenon for everybody. I think all of us can feel traped every now and then. Sometimes we don't even know it or think about it. But then, of cource, @BabsBoard fix it... I am fortunate to know the people behind the famous @BabsBoard and also the great Mr. @Ramta personally. I can confirm that they really fix everything,....if we let them.
People all over the world wants and deserve Freedom and Peace. Perhaps with the exception of mad dictators. They probaply like to think that they are in control over their 'flock of sheeps'.
But we don't want to be animals, do we? We don't want to be chips in an other persons game, do we? We want to be players in our own game. We want Freedom to choose, Freedom of speech, Freedom to love, our own Free Will.
Thank you, dear @BabsBoard for reminding us !!!!
Freedom is the topic in many great songs. Here; Richie Havens, sings about FREEDOM at Woodstock in 1969...
Peace out from

It is very nice of you @barbro to congratulate me, and I am really happy and lucky to know you all @babsboard, @ramta, @barbro, @gyldenhorn ... on this platform because always you carry very interesting subjects and useful for humanity, I must admit that you really give a good image to this great country Norway!
For the subject of your message there: Freedom for me is the most expensive thing we have for our whole life! we are born free and we must live free and we must fight any dictator who will dare to make us slaves.
I remember a beautiful sentence that I read in a book:
The most dangerous prisons are those whose bars are not visible.
Best Regards @RedouaneMez