When I came here to Norway a few years ago, I managed to avoid this. I specifically got two knocks on my door (I live in an apartment building, so how he was able to get past the front door is creepy, whoever it is.) Both times I sort of didn't have a TV (it sat broken in my closet; I never had to pay a license for that one :P) so I just said that I don't have one. I think I read it applied to those who even just have cable boxes. I'm not sure. But, I bought a new TV and surprise! I get an invoice. No knocks, no creepy checkins. I think to store is obliged to send my personal info. That's just freaky: having stores obliged to report what consumers buy for the purpose of forcing certain types of personal tax collection.
This has become "part-and-parcel" of living in the developed West. In this case, people will encourage government force on others to get their dull, uninspiring TV.
Exactly. The shops are required to send your personal info to NRK. The weird thing is that there are so many, even younger people 25-40, that really like NRK. The propaganda has worked really well. They argue; "So do you like watching commercials??" referring to the commercial channels. And; "on the commercial channels there is only reality TV". What they seem to forget is that A) There is loads of reality TV on NRK. B) I don't have to watch commercial linear TV anymore. It's 2017, I've been downloading, pirating and now paying for Netflix/HBO the last 15 years. C) I'm not interested in watching a boat drive up and down the coast minute for minute, or herding sheep minute for minute, or reruns of horrible norwegian humor shows so harmless that not even my grandmother would have been offended. It just amazes me how "in the dark" and unaware of things so many young norwegians are, despite having SO much available information and technology. They're like a pack of well fed zombies.
Maybe they also seem to forget TV2 is loaded up with ads. That's not being watched as well? (They're programming is subpar as well; they end up importing American TV shows, mostly old seasons and play them on a loop.)
There was a couple of comedy shows that I did find funny, which was on their NRK TV site, but they are old (I am thinking Bye og Rønning specifically). There is nothing worth watching on it now, unless you like the unintentional humour derived from watching the nightly news. Watching Kristen Gislefoss bumble the weather is a treat.
I think in the end what people say and what reality will be in the future will drive what these stations will be ... probably obsolete and off-the-air. But it takes an vast of vast political will to end this.