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RE: Why I sold some of my other altcoins to buy more Steem

in #norway8 years ago

Buying Bitcoin, sending bitcoin, converting bitcoin to Steem..mentioning these things to people will result in a blank stare back at you.

Oh man, boy did I get that stare yesterday. And all I was trying to explain was "so where does the money come from?"


Haha. Yeah..but you can always counter people with; " Sooo, where does your numbers in the bank come from? Or the paper money in your hand? Where does it come from?" :) When they can't answer, you just tell them it's orginally an agreement between people as a means to trade. One silver for food. One paper note for meat. Now we don't have trust in the people issuing that paper anymore. We decided to create our own digital means of value/paper/silver. That's the easiest way to describe to people I think :) Some people just stares at you like you're crazy, but some people get it. You just have to feel people out. Most people I don't even consider talking about that stuff with. I just know they are too much of a sheep.