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RE: Infinite amount of genders?

in #norway8 years ago

It does not debunk the whole thing. It did not even debunk my sarcastic comment on refusing to call someone Zir and therefor being in danger of a legal punishment. It did however give clarity on the subject that you cant get fined for mistakenly calling a transgender him/her. There are 3 primary colours, there is no sliding.. It's more like saying every colour is a primary colour then saying there is only three colours..

I can also feel like a different age for that matter, and I could also feel like I am a girl (even though I am obviously not) and therefore demand cheaper car insurance for example, which is why this will evolve into a big political issue in the future in my opinion. So yes.. this is important, and it does affect me, and everyone else.I do not believe that one's gender is an inner feeling. By that logic, I can feel like I am a different species aswell, and therefore demand that you address me as a dog.. (like this girl: Would it be wrong of me not to adress her as a cat due to the fact that she is delusional?

Why I am concerned? Cause you can get legally punished for having a different belief or opinion... As Peterson says, this is a danger for our freedom of speech. This is the biggest issue. I have no issue that someone gets angry at me for not calling them crossdresser or zir.. But I do have an issue when I can be legally punished for refusing to believe (or call) someone for something they (in my reality) clearly are not. And i also believe freedom of speech is much more essential to western society then the danger of being disrespectful. I am not saying you should be disrespectful in their face.. I am saying you should be able to, without being in danger of legal prosecution.