Introducing Myself

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians. My name is forneya. l live in Norway from. I was an economy student in my third year ove sports, arguments, opinions, experiences, relationships, and crypto. I hope to learn a lot from you all and l hope I can add also your knowledge. will need n some tips to get started appreciate all of you and thank you.



I am looking forward to starting Steemit, and I hope you like my post.Feel free to stay comment below!the introductory steemit norway introduces himself.


Great post, welcome to steemit :)

wow , surely you have a great bike , =) i hope you are in good health there in norway, may you be in prosper, followed so i can see more sports and opinions.

Welcome to steemit! Great photos. Would like to hear more about Norway :) Feel free to checkout my Introduction and other posts.

Welcome to Steemit! We look forward to your shares, your passions, your life, your love for whatever makes your world awesome.

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Welcome on Steemit @forneya!

I hope that you will participe in our community with pleasure, I was preparing to you some usefull links and tutorials for beginners.

Steemnow - this is website where you can check your Upvote power

SteemFollowers – great website for beginners, you can get upvote for upvote

DeadFollowers – here you can check how many dead followers you have

Beautiful photos! Welcome to steemit mate @forneya !