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RE: RR - RamtaReward - JA, vi klarte det! - Issue 2

in #norway8 years ago (edited)

Ramta Tirade

I find it amazing - and surprising. @ramta's Reward 1 had 245 views, 76 upvotes and was awarded $110.08 - and it was in English. This post, so far, generating a mere $3.77 at the time of writing.

Nix forstå!

Do Steemit users find a post in a different language less enticing to read? Not even with RamtaReward in the headline? You're missing out not only on learning more about another user, their language and culture - and the reward. Where are all the people who are vocal about multi-cultural inclusion and diversity? If you have read @rampta's RR1 post, it was an amazing Q&A, albeit in English - and I learned a whole lot from that post and the comments.

Even though I speak more than one language, Norwegian is not one of it. Admitted, I am fascinated by others peoples' languages and cultures. It widens my horizon and gives a better understanding of the world around us.

Salut to all those who do take the time to look at posts that are not in their native language. I love it!

Happy weekend.



Where are all the people who are vocal about multi-cultural inclusion and diversity?

Reading English posts primarily? :) I'm kidding, but these posts particularly pop out since they are sort of rare (but I am seeing more) and to me personally, valuable to see my second language being used more and more on this platform (note I just started using this a month ago at this writing.)

Yeah = the numbers are numbing. Until you turn to he cn or kr tags, where it gets, well, dizzying.

I am really disappointed how slow the response is on this post, simply because it's in Norwegian.

Norway is one of the more peaceful, quiet countries I can think of. Perhaps people could learn from it?

Looking forward to the answers of the great questions posted.