Hi folks!
The last months I have been working my a... of with a whole new company and with a new product that we are going to beta test in one week.
I finished everything that was assigend to me to day, so next week it is time to put every piece together into one great product and, hopefully, dawn of a great firm in the years to come.
So, this weekend will be the first one in months that I can just relax and go on a hike to make a bonfire, make some delicious coffee and just relax.
Hope you all will have a smashing weekend!!! I know I will!

Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry
Kindest regards
Håpar at testinga av det nye produktet i neste veke, vert vellukka.
Eg ynskjer du lukkast med denne satsinga di.
Elles vil eg ynskja deg ei god helg og vonar du får kobla av.Til lukke med det nye firmaet ditt @Gyldenhorn
Med vennleg helsing
Helga var knall bra. Fikk beskjed at vi kunne flytte inn på hytta i helga så mye av tiden har gått med til det. Der var det jo ikke nett ennå, heller ikke mobildekning så har ikke fått vært på Steemit på noen dager nå :)Hei @Siggjo
Du får kose deg på tur i helga da, @gyldenhorn! Det høres ut som du har gjort det godt fortjent til en pause fra jobben nå. Og lykke til med betatesting neste uke :)
Hilsen @valth
Do you know each other?
Sorry for the interruption, but it's a great coincidence. You are both within my list of favorite authors on Steemit :)
No, we don't know each other outside of Steem. But we have both been reading each other's posts, and talking with each other on some Norwegian Steem bloggers' posts, so we've gotten to know each other here on Steem at this point :)
What a small world! (Steemit world in this case, lol)
Hehe, yes, it's pretty cool when you come across unknown relations here on Steem :)
Nå har vi startet å sy sammen de forskjellige produktpakkene så blir en veldig spennende uke :)Takker @Valth. Det bel overtagelse av hytta i helga i stede, men det gjorde jo absolutt ingen ting :)
Oi, gratulerer så mye med ny hytte!
Now I want to know what the business is.
But instead I'll wait a bit, and join you.
holiday snap from yesterday, 50m from my bed
Congratulations on choosing such an excellent respite!
Instead of a trip we got a phone that our new cabin up in the mountains were ready for us to take over so we have been up there all weekend, moving in. So from now on we are proud owners of a vacation home in a pristine area of Norway. Cant wait to spending all the weekends there :)Hi @Nwtdarren
That sounds like terrific news! My friends just bought their dream-home near Elk Island National Park down south. (their property has the wagon-wheels)
You have a beautiful time ahead of you :)
At you all by all means to turn out. I believe in you.
Hi @Gyldenhorn
When we finish a job that has been assigned to us successfully we deserve to relax and have a good time for a good recreation.
A delicious coffee during a hike is really great!
I wish you good luck for your project and wish you a good weekend too.
Best Regards @Redouanemez
I didn't manage to build a camp fire because we took over the cabin this weekend. So we have been moving in to it :)
But, we have started up the project and it seems like it is running great :)Hello @Redouanemez. Thx for kind words
May your holiday be a great holiday. after what you do in your new company, hopefully as expected.
Enjoy a cup of coffee in the open is very delicious, and plus a bonfire that warms the atmosphere. Wow it's so beautiful :)
Have a good vacationHi @gyldenhorn
The weekend was great @Amuchtar, hope yours also was good. :)
Well that's the moment i like.After all the stressful work when you get time to relax.It helps to regain the energy you need to work more.I am sure you are going to have a great time there during your vacation.Stay happy and stay safe.
Thx and the same to you @Rupok
You are most well come @gyldenhorn.
What more do you want in life?Enjoying your time with food and all the element needed.No tension no stress just relaxing.I am sure you are having a nice time.Make a bonfire, make some delicious coffee and just relax.Wow sounds superb.Thanks for sharing with us.
Thank you for those nice words and feedback @Sarahmcdowell
Have an exceptional weekend brother! take a break from work and enjoy the nature, we don't live twice! hehe :)
Thx a lot @Ralk98 I will :)
Keep going.Everyone wants success, but it only follows those who make a true approach to get it. You know, the hard work and dedication has a destination which is success. Enjoy the delicious coffee Dear @Gyldenhorn. Best of luck for your future achievements.
In every thing or project I start it is always 100% and when I see the final result approaches I usually go out in the woods on a hike to drink coffee, just to get some distance from the work I have been doing.
This time though, it was my new cabin that got all the focus :)
Did you just say Dear @Gyldenhorn you have Cabin in the Woods. I feel so jealous!!
The taste of rest can be felt only after the completion of the duty with efficiency and effectiveness, at that moment the rest is deserved.
Congratulations dear @gyldenhorn.
Best Regards.
Thx a lot @Aminekad. Hope your weekend was as great as mine :)
I think, the bed and the natural air conditioning is much more soft and cool for a few days, while relaxing before starting the next routine.
And the night is the perfect time to breathe the air deeply while appreciating the meaning of the greatness of the owner of the universe.
Thank you @gyldenhorn for sharing amazing things!
I will enjoy it @Seha76 :)
Min type avslapning! Ha en fortsatt fin helg.
Takk det samme @Marenontherun :)
Kjenner til stresset med tidsfrister, er helt forjævlig rett og slett, får ikke tid til noe annet, får håpe det ender godt og at du får igjen for alt arbeidet! :)
Ble en god weekend på den nye hytta denne helgen!!!Ting ender som regel godt @Torbjorns :)
And also wishing a Happy Weekend Too :-)@Gyldenhorn, You are driven by passion, passion drives success & here's wishing you the very best for all the new ventures, that life has in store for you., do well. Best of luck!
I live for adventures @Dannywill :) Thx a lot for those nice comments. Hope your weekend was good also
I wish i could drink one cup of that delicious coffee & feel the warm of that bonfire!! Mr. @Gyldenhorn, You are the true example of a hardworking man and now with this upcoming achievement, you will add another feather in your crown. I wish you all the best for your future and congratulate you for this achievement. May you achieve every success in your life.
I live for getting more and more feathers in my crown :)Thx a lot @Latikasha. I guess you also have some great achievements that you have completed.
Sir @gyldenhorn, Every week that weekend is good for everyone, if it is to go out of the family and spend some time in the honey, which gives us much inspiration to work in the office on the rest of the week.Hopefully your weekend has been very good.
The weekend was great :)Thank you @Olvio
Wonderful picture and making coffee in the open air thats fantastic and relaxing too, its great idea , have nice weekend, thanks to share your relaxing moment.
Good luck and tons of best wishes to launching your new product & your new firm. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled person who has the capacity to do great things with your life. Of-course you already become a very successful man. Thank you so much for wishing us a smashing weekend!!!
Nice moments
very beautiful location nice .
Enjoy your weekend @gyldenhorn.
You try your best . God bless you.
Hi @gyldenhorn,,greetings,,Have a nice holiday at the weekend😄
Wonderful photos and beautiful location
thanks for sharing
Good for you. Life should be a celebrations
Wonderful location and nice photography
thanks for sharing
waw is great fun, enjoying coffee there, be happy on your day off
That's right. It is necessary to be able to be distracted from work and to have a rest. Never remake the whole thing. Photos are wonderful, such a warm
Ha det litt godt til side, det kalde været får litt moro å drikke med litt kaffe og drikke. @gyldenhorn
I wish you a fascinating journey!
Let your dreams come true and have a rest after a long work. Good luck and new achievements!
very relaxed atmosphere with the fire. enjoy your time