Learing to use Lee filters in photoshooting - part 1

in #norway7 years ago

Today I am going to write about Lee filters for use at photo shooting.
I have gotten my hands on the Seven5 system that is adjustable to my Canon camera and lenses.
This is a complete system that contains every filter that I need. The totalt sum of them are about 2000 USD but I got lucky and bought them for around 500 dollar, used only one time :)

The Lee filters are used to let you get more control over the dynamics in the pictures with different graduated filters, allowing you to get full control over the shutter time of your camera.
This means that you can experiment with some really cool effects, like make moving water blur out into a dream cloud like matter. Or you can get the sky and clouds stand out in the pictures.

I wear out a little trip on sunday with my friend @Erlendgroseth, which are an expert on Lee filters, and my wife.
I have taken some pictures in my time, so I was thinking that Lee filters were not going to be a problem to handle. Boy, did I get that wrong.

It was like start thinking all over again, and the result of my pictures were crazy bad.
But I really liked the way Lee filters make you think and how much work it is behind every picture taken with these filters. So I have decided that I am going to master this way also.
So now I am going to make different post about my progression with Lee filters. Think this is going to be a project all 2018 starting to day.
So from time to time I will post some updates on how it is going, beside my other posts.
Hope you who are into photo will find these posts interesting.
I have included my first two pictures with the Lee filters and it shall be interesting to compare these two to the ones I am going to take one year from now.



Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry!

Kindest regards


Jeg må si at jeg blir inspirert til å ta opp igjen gamle fotokunster når jeg leser dette!
Selv har jeg bare et eldre Nikon D70s med et par forskjellige objektiv + en skikkelig blitz. Men kjenner nå at det begynner å rykke litt i foto-fingeren igjen!
Det blir spennende å følge dette prosjektet her. Ser ut som du får en kul effekt med dette systemet!

Hei @Svein
Du får dette stettet til Nikon D70 også, det har vel egentlig ikke noe med kamera å gjøre, men med diameter på linsen.
Gleder meg til å gi gass på prosjektet selv. Vet man kan klare å få frem noen fantastiske bilder så nå gjenstår det bare å se om jeg klarer å beherske denne måten :)

Ok, kult!
Jeg skjønner at jeg må til å Google litt for å finne ut litt mer om dette. Takk for at du spruter informasjon som gasser fotofingern min til liv igjen :)

"It was like start thinking all over again, and the result of my pictures were crazy bad."


Wat? Det første bilde er jo helt episk!

Hehe takker for det @Partywalrus
Men, da kan du glede deg til jeg finner ut av disse filtrene. Da skal vi snakke episk :)
Sjekk ut @Erlendgroseth, han har brukt disse her noen år og er blitt en mester!
Men, veldig hyggelig at du liker mine bilder da :)
Tommel opp.jpg

Så de nå. Helt rått! Men det første bildet ditt her tok kaka... Utrolig fint med de steinene som er sånn i fokus mens "stormen" står rundt dem. Eneste jeg har å sette fingeren på er at skyene skulle stått litt stillere, men det er vel ikke akkurat så lett å styre for fotografen, haha. Hadde vært en veldig kul effekt om de var helt klare/i fokus i kontrast med den urolige sjøen under.

F... that was good and cool pictures. It is incredible what different equipment can give you of results. Hope to se more of this in the future:-)

Thx a lot @Everydaycoach
Looking forward to show you more in the months to come :)

Hi @Gyldenhorn, (Mr.Lee from now on?)
If that was you starting point with Lee filters, it's what I would call a "flying start!" (You should have seen my first cumbersome attempts)
I really like the first image in your post.
Cheers, @erlendgroseth

Haha @Erlendgroseth
From now on I am Mr. Lee, just dont compare me to spaghetti-like nudle guy here in Norway :)
Thx for nice words on the pictures, but looking forward to get the hang of it :)

Kindest regards

Hi @gyldenhorn!

This sound like a great project for 2018 :) I'm looking forward to seeing your improvement over the year, but I also think these first two pictures look really great, so I can't wait to see how good they will become once you are familiar with this type of photography.

Hi @Valth
I am looking forward to start this project. The only thing now is that I have too many projects in 2018 so I belive you will see me a lot here on Steemit with different posts beside running @Onebitnews
gråtele smily.jpg
Kindest regards

You're not alone with the problem of having too many active projects! But if it means more posts from you, then I won't complain ;) The art is to manage to not spread yourself too thin though!

Kult. Dette er gode filter, jeg bruker Lee Bigstopper ganske ofte. Fint resultat når det er litt bevegelse i skyer og vann :)


Having a high-performance camera and mastering the technique is a good starting point for successful landscape shots. But, this is not always enough ... In some situations filters may be essential. Moreover, if the professional photographers use them, it is not a coincidence! The filters can bring this little extra that can make all the difference.

Best Regards @Redouanemez

Kanon tøfft! Holder på å se på kamera no, er så masse gøy en kan gjøre! Dette skal eg prøve!

Her er det bare til å kjøre på Hamlander.
Foto er knall gøy!!!

Jo fortere jo bedre! Får god inspirasjon av dere her på steemit!

E det han her man kjøper slike filter av?

your post is so good and I really like the last image in your post thank you for share this post

Wow beautiful! You're really talented :)

holy crap!! these images look like they were taken in a fantasy land. can't wait to see more of what these filters can do. great post!

There is nothing beautiful than nature

Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this. Your photo looks stunning!


This is so great! You got the great point here......These pictures are beautiful and lovely... I truly love seeing this kinda things, thanks for feeding my eyes with these amazing beauties...thanks for sharing....

That second one looks really awesome! I can’t say I’ve heard of that kind of filter before too.

great writing .....today i am goona resteem your post becuse it's too much good @Resteeeeeeeeeeem

Wow ,this post is really amazing and will be of great help to my Fashion designing cos most times photo effect has a lot to tell about a person's work. Thank you so much for sharing, am following you Asap to learn more

wow its so amazing photography

Wow, beautiful photos @gyldenhorn, following, upvoted, resteemed

Omg, so nice photos/nice work!

Thank you for showing us a beautiful natural landscape

gaoooooo, what spectacular!!!

nice photo

just wonderful photography . thanks for sharing such a beautiful photography ..

I think it’s great that you used actual filters. I was given a box of old film camera gear including a lot of filters unfortunately they are a variety of sizes of which don’t fit any of my lenses. I’ve forgotten about them till now maybe I should look online and see if I can find a converter or something. I’m so use to relying on photoshop, it’s fun to get back to creating effects in camera.