My youngest daughter had here Confirmare or coming-of-age ceremony yesterday

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

This Sunday it was time for my youngest daughter to celebrate here coming-of-age ceremony.
It is a ritual here in Norway that the year you turn 15 years you are considered to be an young adult and you are going through a course during the winter either in the church or in the town hall if you are humanistic.
All this ends by having a ceremony and there after a party with family and friends.

Here you can see my youngest daughter who we were celebrating, posing with the Norwegian flag, the pictures is taken by my dearest friend @Erlendgroseth, who also attended the party with his wife, @Ettena

konfirmasjon 1.jpg

Here she is given the diploma for fulfilling the course

konf 4.jpeg

Here both my daughters are dressed up their bunads, or traditional outfit.

Hope you liket it!
Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry
Kindest regard


Hi @gyldenhorn,

Congratulations on your beautiful daughter and all the family, I wish a happy life full of joy and prosperity to your daughter.

Your friend @Erlendgroseth took a nice picture of your daughter with the Norwegian flag.

Best Regards @Redouaneme

Thank you very much @Redouanemez @Erlendgroseth is a first class photographer :)

Wow I really love the traditional Norwegian women's dress in all its details, dress upscale and exquisite, and your daughter is wonderful and looks nice.
Hi @gyldenhorn, Best regards @gagago


Thank you so much for those kind words @Gagago :)

Gratulerer til datteren din! Ble det tradisjonell gave i form av kroner, eller kjørte du på med å gi kryptovaluta i konfirmasjonsgaven? ;)

Hilsen @valth

Hun dro vel inn en 25-30 tusen i hard valuta, ved siden av det fikk hun bunaden fra meg og ho mor.
Så hun var vel som ungdomer flest og cashet inn en 50 tusen med penger og gaver.... Helt vilt spør du meg.Takker og bukker @Valth :)

Oi, det var ikke dårlig! Jeg kan godt si meg enig i at det er helt vilt, og det er vel i overkant mye av hva man trenger som 14/15 år. Kan være kjekt for de som klarer å spare pengene til de skal begynne å ta billappen da ;)

Det var forresten en veldig flott bunad!

Congratulations mr @gyldenhorn.

Your daughter must be very happy after being among those who celebrate their coming of age.

Congratulations to you as well because you are seeing your daughter growing.
all the photos are very well taken but As my best friend @redouanemez said the one of your daughter with the prestigious norvegian flag is very professionnal.

Thank you so much for your comment @Aminekad The picture with the flag is taken by @Erlendgroseth and I would say he is a pro :)

What a beautiful ceremony. It is especially pleasant to see your daughter in a national costume and with the flag of Norway in her hands. I wish her everything in life turned out and you are proud of her.

Beautiful photography of amazing and emotional moments dear @gyldenhorn. These photos are showing your love and importance of the presence of your daughters in your life. Their outfit showing that they love their culture.

Thx for this nice words @Estp

I really like it, after I read your post. For me it's habit and culture, if someone grows up, there is a provision to follow.
I became aware of, the culture in your country. And the portrait of your youngest daughter looks very pretty.
Thank you for sharing information. :)Hi @Gyldenhorn

Hello @Amuchtar, Thx a lot for those nice words. I am glad you liked it :)

Congratulations little norwegian for your coming-of-age ceremony and becoming a young adult! Your father will be proud of you little princess! And your Norwegian traditional outfits are very beautiful!

Image source

Best regards

Hello @Hasmez. Thx a lot for your comment. We love our Norwegian outfits :)

You are welcome @gyldenhorn!

Hello Sir, the program that your youngest daughter has hoped for, the show is beautifully completed.Your youngest daughter has completed 15 years, that is, she is considered as an adult in your state. I think this is a very lovely day for your youngest daughter.He has spent three very happyly, which is understood from your blog post and you uploaded some pictures of your youngest daughter, which looks really amazing.

Sir, since you were a responsible father, he would have increased your duty to him because now you have to worry more about him because you have to verify that every step is correct, both of you and your daughter are very nice Good luck to you as an adult, enjoying the day of adult!

Hi @Olvio Thx a lot for your nice comment. As you say I still have a lot to follow up on here :)

I Congratulate two "Norwegian Princess" daughter of Mr. @Gyldenhorn from deep of my heart.

At the age of 15 teenagers take part in a course ran by The Norwegian Humanist Association, which is designed to teach people about what it means to live in harmony, the importance of human rights and ethics of living in Norwegian society. I love this part of Norwegian culture. I think it’s so nice that teenagers want volunteer to take part in a civil confirmation program but what’s more, they wear their national dress with pride.

Thx a lot @Mdsahid :)))

Det var en flott dag:-) Vakre barn som jeg er så glad i. Takk for at vi fikk dele dagen med dere:-)

Det var kjempe hyggelig. Takk for at dere kom :)

Wow so beautiful both your daughter and their outfit!

Thx a lot @Tangera

You are welcome.

You must be very proud for your two lovely daughter. They look like "Norwegian Princess".
Wishing Good luck to "you & your two lovely daughter" for the next chapter life brings your way.Hello Dear @Gyldenhorn

I am very proud of both my daughters. Now it is just to start on the rest of the journey :)Hello @Dannywill

Hey, how cool is that. Here in my country, it is also celebrated when women turn 15 years old, a ceremony is held and the waltz is danced. I had no idea that there in Norway they also have a "similar" celebration.

Something I've always liked about Norway, is the respect they have had for their traditions, such as wearing traditional costumes to celebrate different events, such as on Norway's national day.

Greetings and Congratulations to you and your daughter for her birthday!

I think maybe it is the same tradition @Vieira, but the different in both our culture have over time taken them a bit a part :)

Amazing ritual.
Dear @Gyldenhorn, your two daughters looks so beautiful with their traditional Norwegian outfits. Many many congratulation to both of them for become an young adult.

Thanks a lot @Latikasha :)

This is like what we call "confirmación" here in my country. You go to a place for a few days where you are taught values and humanity with other students. It's basically like a retirement, of course this is just if your religion is catholic, but I know it also happened in different cultures around the world, didn't know they do something similar in Norway! it's good to learn something new :D

By the way, your girls look pretty good wearing that bunad!


There are some differences that has come because we have a bit different culture and over time it has adapted a bit different in both our countries, but in the start it was done the same :)Yes, it is the same tradition as you have in your country @Ralk98

Oh, now I get it! Greetings to your daughters btw :D

I wish in my country we have celebration like that. Celebration of becoming an young adult, its so cool & Amazing.

norwegian_flower_power_congratulations_card-r97e9a24a68aa4365adf6ca443b2965ff_xvuak_8byvr_512.jpg Many congratulation to you @Gyldenhorn & also your two lovely daughters for becoming An young Adult. Wishing your family a Happy & Prosperous Life.

Where are you from?Thx a lot @Arif1414

Hello Mr. Gyldenhorn, thanks for asking. Now I live in India because of my education. But originally I am from a small but beautiful Country called Bangladesh. I joined Steemit only 14 days ago. My Big brother told me about Steemit & shown me some great thing like earn money by writing. I am learning as quickly as possible. Wish me luck Mr. Gyldenhorn.

Wow what a great ritual it is. Congrats your daughter to become a young adult. Hope this course to be a great experience for her to become great adult. Say have a good day to your daughter too!

Thx a lot @Yur2 :)

Ei søt og fin jente i fin bunad og med det norske flagg.
Når eg ser det siste biletet, må eg få gratulera deg med to vakre jenter.Gratulerer med konfirmasjonen for din yngste datter @Gyldenhorn

Med vennleg helsing

Stolt Norsk ungdom det der, men har nok klart å skjemme de litt bort :)Takker og bukker @Siggjo.

Gratulerer med dagen til deg og datteren!

Such a lovely photographs of your daughter. Thanks to @Erlendgroseth for those beautiful photographs. And thank you so much @Gyldenhorn for sharing this magnificent Norwegian traditional ceremony of "Coming-of-Age Ceremony". Wishing you & your daughter a Happy & Wonderful Life. Regards @Pijon

Celebrate an extraordinary day your youngest daughter celebrates her day wildly and thank you very much for us, in order to post a great blog about your youngest daughter in the community and organizing the event.

The pictures of which of your youngest festivals have been quite wonderful to see, and there is a beautiful idea about the festival.

Your youngest daughter looks very beautiful :)

Accept my respect and love.

Thank you for liking my post and that you liked the idea o the ceremony :)

Wow! It's fun to enjoy. In addition to beautiful, smart, and achievement, Perfect! Perfect makes both his parents nation. 👍👍

Your daughter are so cute..

Awsome photgraphy .
Looking so beautiful and cute.......

Congratulations! What an interesting tradition. In Russia coming-of-age in 18 years. From this age you can get a driver's license. And at what age can you drive a car? What do these courses teach in the Church?

Very beautiful girls and national clothes they go )

Good to you and new achievements!
Congratulations on your young daughter's coming of age!
Creative success and prosperity to her!
It is very pleasant when young people honor traditions
and the customs of his people. You have wonderful daughters, @gyldenhorn .

Sincerely yours, @singa