Today I thought to take on a question I've been wondering about for a while, why do people sell Steem instead of power them up?
Well I'm a newbee here at Steemit, but already from day one I saw that "the name of the game" here is Steempower. (shortens Steempower to SP)

The more I've studied Steemit, the more it sounds clear to me, get as much SP as possible and keep them as long as possible.
Daily, Steem is sold for incredible sums and I find it hard to understand that so many people choose to sell Steem instead of power up, they miss the opportunity to earn the really big money sometime in the near future.
I cannot understand that Steem not will be among the leading, perhaps the biggest crypto currency in the long run.I'm no preacher, rather an optimist, but as far as I can see, both the crypto market as a whole and Steem's place here, especially now that we were told about SMT by @Ned ( also recommend everyone to watch the video from @Stephenkendal https://steemit.com/steem/@stephenkendal/why-the-proposal-of-leveraging-the-steem-blockchain-with-social-media-tokens-is-massive-news-effectively-becoming-a-gold-backed )
If you constantly working to increase your SP, either in the form of blogging to get votes, receiving curation rewards by voting on others or buying Steem via exchanges and the like, one would slowly but surely increase one’s value here at Steemit.
Have tried to discuss this with other Steemers in real life, but none of us have become any wiser of all this craziness in progress in the form of Steem sales.
Can anyone please explain this madness to me?
My new moto is:

Grepa kar du @Gyldenhorn !
Hvis man selger STEEM nå så kvalifiserer vel det til en eller annen rar diagnose, gjør det ikke det da?https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmPegxJVQaPN5dJfeWCbmSmoGzg7HsPq93heAQJT74JaRo
Jeg har bare 26.000 STEEM og sliter med å frigjøre midler for å kjøpe mer.
Det får være nok at vi ikke forsto hva som kom til å skje med bitcoin.
Helt enig med deg at det fort kan være en eller annen diagnose på ferde her ja.
Som du selv nevner så skal jeg i vert fall stå i Steemkøen helt til de store verdiene blir delt ut.
Slik jeg ser det er det ingen som helst grunn til å selge Steem nå.
True true 😉
Hei @Gyldenhorn
Det ser ut til at folk ble engasjerte her og det er jo ikke rart. Jeg har aldri tatt ut noe av det jeg har tjent her inne. Kjøpte også noe STEEM i starten og i dag har jeg over 200 000.- norske kroner. Hadde jo aldri klart å spare det på et drøyt år.
Jeg tror at STEEM stiger til $100 pr.stykk og da har jeg jo over 2 millioner US Dollar. Hurra jeg er lur.
Men ikke la oss glemme hvor moro dette er da dere. De har jo til og med laget tegneserier til meg her på Steemit.
Kos dere allesammen!

Det er det ikke hvem som helst som får.
Tyder vel på at det du har gjort her inne er veldig riktig.
Er nok ett fåtall som klarer å spare 200 000 Nok på ett år.
Jeg tror selv at 100$ pr Steem kanskje er litt lite? :)Haha veldig gøy at de har laget tegneserie til deg da @Barbro
@barbro this joke is a great metaphore to what people are doing. They buy and sell STEEM instead of powering up which gives secure profits. Thanks for your support the other day on your upvote. Thanks for sharing thks. Upvoted. @gold84
@barbro thanks for your support. I am now following you, and for sure I will mention you in one of my next posts. I like to mention and give credit to real quality posts, and after checking your feed, there is lots of interesting and quality information you selected to resteem. @gold84
Jeg snakker ikke norsk, og jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg kom hit ... Men jeg brukte en oversetter. Jeg finner bare dine kommentarer veldig sta. Det.
Til glede!
Hey @barbro
You are great, can read opportunities forwards. We in Indonesia do not know about this secret. A very profitable investment in steemit. I have to follow your lead.
Verygood comment @barbro i have followed you
Så bra at noen begynner å snakke om dette. Det er helt uforståelig for meg at noen tør å selge STEEM nå. Se for eksempel på http://e24.no/ en av Norges største finans nettsider. Det vrimler av nyheter om kryptovaluta.
Jeg skal ikke trette noen med flere detaljer nå. Skal bare avslutte med følgende:
Steem Power is the name of the gameHør på @Gyldenhorn
Dette er mine nøkkeltall som kvalifiserte meg til utmerkelsen dere ser nederst.

Er jo ikke overasket at du har skjønt hva som gjelder her på Steemit. Er det noen som kan det å powre up så er det deg.
Gleder meg til jeg begynner å nærme meg ditt nivå.

Hi @ramta
@ramta How can I get in contact with you??
Need to talk.
Greeting from me in Indonesia.Hei @ramta
After knowing about this, I will not sell my Steem. I will save and power Up my Steem Power. I am sure you are a great person in seeing the future of this steemit.
Ja, jeg er også et nytt vitne, og jeg har en drøm. Jeg håper du kan stemme på meg for å hjelpe meg med det. Jeg ville være så takknemlig, og det hjelper virkelig. Sjekk ut min aktivitet på plattformen
I also powered up a little recently. And I regret all the down powering I did last year :/
Ow...Have you powered down? Hope you didn't took all of the Steem Power then.
But, it is never to late to make a great comeback in SP @Susanne.
Whit your great blogs it should just take some effort and you will be there.
I am one of your enthusiastic followers and looking forward to your next food blog :)
There's a fair number of people who have realised they can live off writing on steemit. But obviously, if you are to do that you'll need to convert your earned SBD or liquid STEEM to fiat as you can't buy a Grandis with STEEM or SBD just yet.
Just by looking at the behaviour of a lot of steemers, it's also obvious that a fair chunk came here from the "how to earn money on the internet" community. These are also just looking to find the best way to earn some rewards and then take out money.
So there's a fair amount of sales coming through both of these channels.
Anyways, as STEEM becomes used not only as a token to increase VP here on steemit, but also has external value, it will be more sought after.
I'm totally onboard with you and have myself powered up everything I earn + looked to gain a few hundred STEEM per month from trade on exchanges that I chip over here (I view it like poker, I play with the small chips on the table on the exchange, where the small chips are different altcoins, and then I take the big 100 dollar chips as STEEM off the table to store them in the STEEM bank 😎)
Great to hear that you're also looking to Power Up and grow your presence here! It's more fun to contribute to the growth of people you know can become big together with yourself over time :)
Haha, you nailed it with the Grandis @Fredrikaa. Still laughing here :)
I can see that if you live in a country where the wages are low you probably can make some money out of steemit.
But, if you are smart and instead power up and you live in the same country, you can make a recurring income in a year or two.
As you also mention, a lot of them are coming through "how to earn money on the internet and from countrys that have a low income. Well, I can be helpful by buing some Steem from them to secure my own SP so it grows :)
I am also going to start buying Steem to power up privat.
And in addition to that,my business partner and I have just registered one of our companies here at Steemit, so when we have talked to our accountant to find out how we can make investments into crypto currencies, we are planing to by Steem.
In Norway there are some tricky rules about investments, and we dont want to make any mistakes regarding taxes.
And I totally agree with you on contributing together with like minded people :)
If you should happen to bee in the east part of our country sometime @Fredrikaa, let us know and we will gladly by you a coffee or a beer.
Haha great to hear :'D
I totally agree! I'm also in this for the long term. Both to build up a larger STEEM holding that I believe will be valuable, but just as much to take an early position in an ecosystem I believe will be huge.
Cool to hear that you're also looking to do business on steemit, I would be curious to know more about your companies and how you intend to make use of STEEM as an enabler for them or see new opportunities to develop something new here.
It's hard to tell when exactly I'll be on the dry side of the Norwegian mountains, but probably not too far into the future! A beer or four would certainly be appreciated so let's make that happen at some point :)
"as you can't buy a Grandis with STEEM or SBD just yet."
Haha! Just epic!
I share your same sentiment on powering up big time! I think the problem right now is that people that have tons of steam power from being here in the beginning are taking some money off the table. I believe this new SMT token is the mother of all game changers and just one big whale of a company using it will propel our value on the steem block chain to the moon!
If a big company goes viral with the SMT when it is live, I think we all are in for a treat.
And I can see that someone are cashing out, but I would not have done that even if I had a load of SP.
When the Steem reach 100 $ it will be nice to have a load of them.
Det er vel egentlig bare å få de unna i power før noen andre. For da gjer seg ikkje sjølv som me sei på Landet....
Dette med Steem prisen opp og ned opp og ned er jo til å bli svimmel av 😆 For den er så manipulert som du får det!
Sitter og studerer litt rundt dette om dagen og vil komme med en konklusjon hvis jeg finner frem til noe lurt :)
Ja noe er det.
Virker som om noen ikke vil vi skal gå til 3-10 usd enda, att vi må fylle opp nå menst vi kan!
Ja gjør det, for dette er veldig merkelig, om de ønsker platformen skal øke. For det er mye god reklame i bare å få steem opp i 5 usd!
Thanks for posting this. I also think it's a good idea to let increase your SP continously.
But it depends also on other conditions:
I'm not sure whether the worth of steem will grow faster than of bitcoin.
So I'm converting my posting rewards of SDB into bitcoin and I'm always using my SP rewards for power up. And I will not power down during the next year.
Maybe it is the bitcoin that will rise faster than the Steem.
So I can see why you do a little of both.
I have personally come to the conclusion that I only want one crypto currency so for my part it is just Steem.
But will look and follow the other coins closely.
Hei Gyldenhorn!
Kan du se over "walleten" min og gi et enkelt tips på hva jeg skal gjøre. Har latterlig lite points og dollar, men ønsker å bruke dem slike at de gir best langsiktig gevinnst.
Noen sier jeg skal kvitte meg med steem dollars og kjøpe steem power. Men jeg skjønner ikke forskjellen på steem power og steem (tokens).
Bør jeg flytte dollars til noe annet?
Kan gi deg noen tips til hva man kan gjøre, eller i vert fall slik jeg velger å gjøre det med Steem Power, Steem Dollar og Steem.Hei @Idigit
Først kort fortalt:
SBD (Steem Dollar) er en enhet som skal ca være like mye verdt som en vanlig US dollar.
Steem er den gangbare crypto valutaen for Steemit.
Steem Power er gir en pekepinn på hvor mange Vesting shares du har, og Steem Power gir også høyere voting power når du stemmer på andre, slik at både du og de du stemmer på tjener mer. I tillegg så får du "renter" på Steem Power.
Så for meg er det kun Steem Power som gjelder. Jo mer SP jo mer får du igjen.
Jeg kan anbefaler deg å gå på market ,dropp down meny ved SBD, og kjøpe Steem for SBD og så kjøre power up på Steem når du får kjøpt dem.
I mine øyne er det ingen ting som er viktigere en å ha så mye Steem Power som mulig og det er definitivt den beste måten å tjene mer på her inne på Steemit.
Har du mange SP blir du også mest sannsynlig lagt mer mekre til her inne hvis du er noe lunde aktiv med blogger og slikt. Og det igjen vil resultere i flere klikk tilbake på dine poster.
Håper dette var svar på noen av spørsmålene dine, hvis ikke så spør i vei :)
Tusen takk for at du tok deg tid til å svare meg! Setter stor pris på det.
Veldig oppklarende det du skriver! Skal sette meg mer inn i transaksjoner og bruke dollar til å få litt mer steam power.
For å være helt sikker... Velger jeg bare "Convert to steem" fra drop menyen?
Veldig lurt å oppdatere til Steem power.
Jeg har ikke brukt "convert to Steem" ,men heller gått på "market" og handlet der. Ser ut som du får steem litt biligere da.
Power up, share the power and receive the award! ;D
Is it possible that Steem gets sold in countries where dollar has higher value?
I think that people that sell Steem, do it because in their country, 1 dollar is a lot of money.

Yes my point exactly ;)
I totally agree! And it's better for both you and others if you just power up instead! And I also think that it will become one of the biggest cryptocurrencies!
I correct myself here, maybe not the biggest in price, but the most widely known, up there with Bitcoin, ethereum etc.
Who knows? Maybe more popular than Bitcoin?!
Just like someone said earlier, some folks came from the "earn money online community" so they are just here to make some some money and withdraw their earnings. I was discussing with someone some days ago about steemit and I told the person that until people stop looking at steem as a way to earn quick money but a long term investment, they will keep withdrawing their earnings and miss out on the future benefits they can get from powering up. We need to let people know the future benefit they get from powering up and how it can help shape their future forever because I believe steemit is here to stay and so many people will regret not powering up when the value of steem increases in the near future with the introduction of SMT that is coming up.
There will be a lot of people that are going to have regrets when they see what they have been missing out of.
With this blog I wrote here, I hope at least some people will open their eyes for Steem Power and the benefit of having a lot of it.
Apparently that's the big secret is Steem Power. Now I begin to understand. I am sure, Steemit will grow big and become a giant company beat Facebook and other social media. And surely Steem currency will exceed the power of Bitcoin currency.
Nice post. :)
Power up rules. :D
Good luck.
Thank you for the useful information!
you got my attention ,,
Agreed.. I made the mistake and just posted about my losses with other ALT-COINS.
You are right !
Agree with you !!
I also powered up a little recently. And I regret all the down powering I did last year :/
also powered up a little recently. And I regret all the down powering I did last year ok upvote and resteem..
I also powered up a little recently. And I regret all the down powering.. I can see that if you live in a country where the wages are low you probably can make some money out of steemit.
But, if you are smart and instead power up and you live in the same country, you can make a recurring income in a year or two.
I have personally come to the conclusion that I only want one crypto currency so for my part it is just Steem.
But will look and follow the other coins closelyhttps://goo.gl/images/Fv6Nmi