Ok, so there has been a while since my last post. Im quite occupied these days, and I have just started in a new jobb. I drive a forklift and pack goods for a wholesaler. The work is quite hard, but the money is good. the plan is to make as much as possible and invest it in crypto, mostly particle, LBRY, Decred, Factom Litecoin and STEEM. what do you people think about these coins? any other i should consider? Hopefully one day I will have the amount to never have boring jobbs, travel and do what ever i want for the rest of my life.
Its not the nicest way to spend the summer indoor, In a warehouse, but I need to do it so I can reach my goal. I will take a vacation in August some time, and maybe do some more travel. I will also spend as much time as possible in the parks. Oslo is one hell of a city in the summertime.
My account is also growing everyday, and some days ago I reach my goal of 250 followers, so thank you for that. Hopefully I will make my way out of the fishing bowl very soon.
I will try to be more active in the future when i can.
Im going to meet some friends in the park now.
Have a great weekend
NIce det da :)
Hey jonas91
You seems to be really happy !
what do You think to invest in Bitcoin? before Bitcoin update in 1st of August ?
Life is good rigt now kam.ila
I get a lot of info from a friend of mine thats been highly involved in crypto the past 6 mounts. Everything is speculative, and I cant predict the future, but what I have heard bitcoin is going to fall very soon, but dont take my word for it. I belive particle, LBRY, and Decred is the safest ones to invest in. All of them are low priced crypto.
Høres ut som du har en plan ;)
Jeg håper virkelig jeg kan kan spare nok vannfrik