For protein I eat lots of dehulled ground hemp seeds (in smoothies, porridge, cake, anything) which are about 30% protein by weight, lots of tofu, vegan protein bars and vegan protein powder (I usually use soya protein or hemp protein, rice protein and pea protein is also fine), and lots of oats.
Regarding the eggs, it's usually just for a binding ingredient that they're used for in baking, and you can make binding substitutes using ground flaxseed and water, and I've also heard of a binding recipe using bananas but haven't tried it (the flaxseed binding works great).
Can I ask what it was that made you decide to go vegan?
Thanks! I've made some notes and will be checking for info here of course :)
Well, it was the documentary i mentioned my recent blog. It's what i needed to push me over the line, quite hard hitting, propaganda style stuff. I've always been conscious of 'health', but never had the message put to me that clearly before.
I have tried bananas for binding. Works ok but of course not the same binding qualities as eggs.
The flaxseed alternative is just as good as eggs for baking and cooking thankfully!
cool. Will have to try that.