Follow Me on My Way from The Arctic to Sunny Germany - Von der Arktis in die sonnige Heimat!

in #norway7 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, one day adventures will end in the arctic and it is time to say goodbye and to arrive in Germany! I was driving by car on the icy roads through the arctic. I really love to travel, however when I know that I have to end my adventures I am always looking forward to reach my final destination Germany. After trips to cold places Germany seems always super warm to me, like a tropical country xD I am always saying that people can used to every climate on our planet, we are creature of habits and this is great! In Norway you are just allowed to drive maximum 80 til 90 kilometer per hour, I was able to enjoy the landscape and it was enough time to capture some icy pics :)

Driving next to the fjord

Thats how the Arctic - Cardrive looks by night :D

Me smiling next to the frozen fjord :)

I also saw some wood cabins next to the road

I did not see signs during the trip very often

Countryyyy Roooaaaad Takkeeee Meeee Hommeeeee :P

Slippery streets

Looks a bit spooky


Soon in Germany <3

Wish you all a nice Tuesday evening - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3


Hallo Ihr Leben! Irgendwann enden auch meine Abenteuer in der Arktis und es wird Zeit "Auf Wiedersehen" zu sagen und Deutschland zu erreichen. Mit dem Auto ging es die gefrorenen Landstrassen entlang. Ich liebe das Reisen, jedoch wenn die letzen Tage kurz vor der Heimfahrt näher kommen, bekomme ich auch ab und zu Heimweh und freue mich mein Ziel Deutschland erreichen zu dürfen. Sobald man aus kalten Gebieten wieder das zu Hause in Bayern erreicht fühlt sich der Ort der Heimat an wie ein tropisches Gebiet. Ich erwähne immer wieder, dass sich der Mensch an alles gewöhnen kann, selbst an eisige Kälte (Skandinavier haben damit ja auch kein Problem :P) der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier und das ist auch gut so! So, zurück zur Strasse: In Norwegen darf man nur maximal 80 bis 90 km / h fahren, somit hatte ich genug Zeit einige Bilder zu knipsen :)

Es ging am Fjord entlang

Und so schaut die Arktis Strasse Nachts aus :D

Ich stehe grinsend am Fjord

Einige Hütten hatten ihren Platz am Fjord gefunden

Schilder sieht man sehr selten

Countryyyy Roooaaaad Takkeeee Meeee Hommeeeee :P

rutschige Strassen

Schaut etwas gruselig


Bald in Deutschland <3

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Dienstag - Bis Bald und einen dicken Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


Home Sweet Home

This is my country very nice and very cool.. Welcome to Norway @lenatramper I live In Stavanger If you coming to Stavanger Do not forget Preikestolen.

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Wonderful pictures thanks for sharing with us

Hy @lenatramper, are you driving yourself ?.

Hi... Welcome back in Germany, fantastic pict

Nice photos @lenatramper

der Winter neigt sich dem Ende zu, der Frühling wird kommen, hoffentlich sicher angekommen ... Ich liebe den Schnee

Wonderful your traveling...I appreciate this post.
Upvote and resteemit

It was a wonderful excursions in both Scandinavian countries dear friend. We liked its landscapes and its icy climate and especially calm don. You still have excursions to the Sahara @lenatramper to get used to its warm climate, you will love it dear friend believe me lol. Spends a good day

Countryyyy Roooaaaad Takkeeee Meeee Hommeeeee

To the place Iiii beloooong...

Ach schönes Lied ist das :D

Ich stehe grinsend am Fjord

Einmal baden gehen hätte auch nicht geschadet. Und dazu noch coole Fotos ergeben. ^^
Next time ? :P

Gruß Naturicia

next time!

Ich freu mich drauf :P

congratulations on a long journey. hopefully get to german with healthy

very beautiful, extraordinary, with your eyes brilliant, a very sweet smile, your body is very nice, romantic snow scenery, cool nature adds to the atmosphere become very romantic, @ jhoni fell in love with all this, thank you very much for sharing , @lenatramper, I love you.

das sieht extrem kalt aus, haha. Nun gut die Wärme hat dich wieder und vermutlich muss dir der bayrische Frühling wie ein Hochsommer vorkommen.. Wenn Du mal die richtige Wärme spüren willst, so mach einen Abstecher in die Karibik. Bei heute schon 30 Grad erwarten wir einen ganz normalen frühsommerlichen Tag. Beste Grüsse aus der Dominikanischen Republik. mikeCee
$_72 rot5.png

Thanks for sharing valuable post.
I appreciate your story.
I like Norway

Wonderful pictures. I hope you had a great time

Thanks for sharing this post, I like your traveling.....

Welcome home @lenatramper, your bed room is waiting for you, after a single week hold longing in to. Tracing of you adventure and foot print on snowy land of the fjord can be a sweet memory.
Country road has taken you home.
Joy your life for every single day @lenatramper

your looks very attractive in your jacket.i hope you enjoy good moment in the sunny day germany.alots of snow every place.all place to see of luck of your good day..thanks dear...@lenatramper

Very nice @lenatramper
U got a best time for a trip
And i'll always enjoy ur trip

incredible scenery. I really like. what else are you there. Friend help me.

Enjoy your trip home to the sunny Germany :)

the scenery is incredible, I like, very clever once you choose a tourist spot

Finally the holiday ended..welcome back to Germany @lenatramper :) oia.. I like your photo, so amazing

beautiful view... you remembered me my trip to Finland... :)))

Very nice my friend,,

Your photos look amazing. You still obviously have a lot of very cold air in Northern Europe still. I just wonder how much warmer is Germany than where you are now. It is warm in Israel now.

Nice post, Sucsesfuly for you sis!

a joyful journey sister, hopefully on this journey goes smoothly and congratulations to the destination, be careful yes sister, good luck

it would be very nice to be able to travel to this very beautiful place. really a very soothing eye @lenatramper
Have a nice days

The travel is fun, you look a little cold in your jacket. the path was so extreme but the scenery is amazingly beautiful. Have a nice day @lenatramper ..

norwegia many views of friends, enjoy the journey, hopefully survived to the destination.

Waw , amazing 👍👍👍 good job my friends

Saya sangat puas melihat postingan anda kali ini...

wow, a very beautiful place

Yeah i can feel u. <3 travel
Respekt @lenatramper
Danke dir fürs teilen.

Good post my friend with a very beautiful snow scene..

I like your traveling

Hyy @lenatramper
I think you have to visit to one place that is different from other

hopefully your trip please my good friend

it's so cool, have a nice day

happy long holiday ya friends have a nice day

Cool! Sieht wirklich sehr beeindruckend aus, da muss ich auch mal vorbei schauen :D

Sorry beforehand I am always late to come in your comment column, I think many women who can not withstand this climate, I salute with you @lenatramper karna probably most people who choose to sit at home when climate like this, maybe with the end of adventure in norwegia can take a hikmahnya in your adventure, I will wait postings of natural beauty of german next @lenatramper I really like to read your post

Where I live I might only see snow once every 10 years or so. Slippery roads seem so dangerous to me. You seem to handle it well. :)


"Berbicara tentang masyarakat Gayo tentu pandangan kita tertuju kepada tanaman kopi, karena Gayo merupakan tanaman kopi terbanyak di dunia, sebagai bukti bahwa masyarakat Gayo terkaya dengan hasil kopi, setiap tahun kopi gayo di ekspor 800 ton hingga ke luar negeri, namun itu kadang sebagian daerah tetap miskin dan masyarakatnya tak berdaya akan kemegahan kopi yang dihasilkan dari lahan-lahan pertani milik masyarakat Gayo, "Mohon maaf kasarnya saya boleh katakan, petani kopi gayo masih terjajah harga kopi tersebut.

"Walaupun demikian masyarakat Gayo tetap akan selalu berusaha yang terbaik walaupun Hal demikian terjadi.
"Dari berbagai refrensi yang telah kami himpun beberapa pekan yang telah lalu gayo Tinggi merupakan perkebunan Kopi telah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1908 hingga sekarang "Kopi ini tumbuh tumbuh subur di sebuah Kabupaten yaitu bener meriah Aceh Tengah dan jua kota Gayo Lues.
Dari Ketiga daerah ini yang berada di ketinggian 1200 M tersebut memiliki perkebunan kopi terluas di Indonesia yaitu dengan luasan sekitar 94.800 Hektar
Sangat Luar biasa, "Boleh saya katakan kopi Gayo Lues merupakan Kopi terluas di dunia untuk saat ini.

"Jika panen telah tiba"
"hasil penjualan kopi yang di petik tersebut hanya bisa menutupi hutang mereka, boleh saya katakan hanya sedikit yang tersimpan dari hasil Kopi tersebut yang mungkin hanya bisa bertahan 2 bulan sampai 3 bulan saja, setelah itu merekapun kembali teliliti hutang disana-sini untuk membayar pinjaman dari hasil kopi tersebut hanya demi memehuni kebutuhan hidup mereka sehari-harinya.

Boleh saya simpulkan kepada masyarakat Gayo dari sebagian petani tersebut Kondisi petani Kopi Gayo inilah yaitu salah satu penyebab mengapa masyarakat Gayo Lues khususnya tidak bisa menjadi petani yang sukses,.kenapa bisa saya katanya seperti itu' karena banyak dari mereka saat panen tiba selalu membayar atau menutupi hutang-hutang mereka.
"Dan para anak-anak dari Gayo hanya sebagian kecil saja yang mau melanjutkan pendidikan kesekolah di jurusan pertanian di berbagai universitas di seluruh Iindonesia,
"Yang seharusnya mereka melanjutkan sarjana pertanian agar mereka lebih bisa menguasai hasil kopi termahal dan kopi nomor 1 di dunia.

"Demikianlah yang dapat saya sampaikan semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
#$alam @moeslimyusuf

                 SALAM @MOESLIMYUSUF

                         DUNIA KOPI ACEH