
Hi, I have decided to not sell any coins. In my great celebration after I got them, I took all of them out of the lid once. I see now that they have some minor scratches and fingerprints. Nothing big, but I do not really feel comfortable selling them in that condition. Anyway, I was actually going to buy many more Steem silver coins from Phelimint. They were sold for only 24 USD each, pretty cheap, but they was sold out before I became aware of that they had been minted. Phelimint are on Steemit, but I sent them a mail to get them aware of the huge demand, and ask them to consider minting some more. I think the planned next mintage is next year (i.e. 1 year after the first mintage).

Thanks for reply and update
I will try to buy from Phelimint
Have a great sunday