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RE: An infidel reading the Quran #3

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

@doetwa How you can believe mainstream media?
I have would also given examples in the very beginning of our conversation like why attack Paletine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmmar, Kashmir etc but that is not going to solve any problem.

This would be my last reply to you on someone else's post. I suggest you kindly post about it yourself...


I do not watch mainstream media, precisely because they attempt to cover up violence. I only watch alternative media and local news media. It's hard to say something hasn't been blown up when it has. Islam has a problem with violence. Apart from the violence perpetrated upon disbelievers, or "infidels", in western countries, consider the violence perpetrated upon women and gays in middle eastern countries. Gays being thrown off tall buildings, women being stoned or lashed for being unfaithful, or being accused of being unfaithful. Does this sound like a peaceful religion to you? Now, I don't intend to characterize all muslims as being violent as I have met some very nice and respectful muslims myself. But as far as the actual religion goes, I have yet to be convinced that it is peaceful. One of the biggest red flags for me is this: despite all the violence perpetrated by a "handful of extremists", there is no condemnation by the remainder. Where are the protests for peace from moderate muslims? Where are the outcries for peace from moderate muslims?

@doetwa @needofhour

Thanks alot for your comments and interest. I will not be active in this commentsection any longer, due to my next post soon being ready, which im certain will lead to more questions. I do not mind if you want to continue your discussion, I want these posts to create conversation. either way, I hope to see you both in the comments on the next post.

If I come across it I may comment. However, I have made up my mind about islam as I have witnessed its disastrous effects for many years now. To be honest, I have no real interest in the topic and therefore don't usually seek out these types of conversations. At times I do find it an obligation to comment when I do come across a conversation and that's what happened here.