
I think there is a lot of way to make money on the internet and especially on steemit, you just have to look and never lose hope and it would be very nice if someone already has a successful experience on steemit oubien on internet in general shows us how it did it will save us time, and for me if I find a way that really makes me win I will share it with everyone.

I also have a small question: do we have the right to advertise websites that make money on the internet here on steemit oubien it's forbidden ??

What you do on your own profile is up to you, but I think most of the people here on Steemit is here because they dont need to look at comercials and advertisement all the time. So if you start to make post of different brands or the like, people can get angry and downvote you.
But, Steemit has an own button you can use that is called promoted. Her you, or a company, can pay for their post to be seen.
Hope this was answere to your question.

Kindest regards

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

Thank you very much @gyldenhorn for these tips and clarifications, I just wanted to get an idea about this and you gave me what I needed to know.

Best wishes @Lovework


Using steemit platform, you have a lot of opportunities to profit. And the most powerful manner I found so far is the cash back strategy. The way this strategy is used by @onebitnews in the steemit academy issue is only one among a lot of other ways. Yes there is a lot of other ways to use cash back system if your vote has value. For example if you are a designer, instead of searching platforms on the web where you can sell your design work and accompanying it with gift in order to hardly find buyers, the best gift you can give is cash back by upvote. This way you will bring a lot of buyers. This is a simple example. Use your imagination and you'll find out more.


Some very good thoughts you have there. We at OBN have used cashback for that purpose so we can teach the readers on how to make a small business by using this system.
But, I can reveal that we have greater plans for this in the future. So it is just to keep reading the magazine to see what we have up our sleeve :)
Kindest regards

Hi @Hasmez @Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

I know you have the experience that allows you to produce several ideas about investing this plateform in profit. That is why I will be one of your greatest loyal followers to gain a great advantage in this direction. You will be the head and shoulders among other steemit magazines on the future so keep up you work @onebotnews! Thank you!

image Image source

Takk for tips om å selge ting her på Steemit.
Nå skal jeg prøve meg på et salg her inne.
Jeg legger nå ut 2 mining ramer med risere og vifter til salgs på bloggen min.

Dette er en kjempe ide @Flatman. Anbefaler deg å følge med hva som kommer i neste utgave av magasinet :)


@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

Gleder meg like mye til neste magasin hver gang! synes snart dere skulle ha utvidet, ansatt flere skribenter, sånn dere kunne postet 2 ganger i uken :p

Hei @Flatman

Takk for sist! Du var jo å besøkte oss på kontorene en gang.

Som samarbeidspartner til OBN kan jeg si at det ikke skjer på en god stund ihvertfall at OBN utkommer flere ganger i uken. Det kan hende det kommer en enkelt ekstra post dersom det skjer noe helt spesielt.
Grunnen til dette er at det er mye mer arbeid enn det ser ut som. Det er nok en av grunnene til at vi ikke blir kopiert. Det er også vanskelig å skaffe flere som forstår i praksis hva vi egentlig driver med (vi har prøvd flere ganger) og vi er ikke ferdig med å forbedre oss for å komme dit vi ønsker.

Så alt i alt har vi en lang vei å gå. Da er det selvfølgelig fantastisk at du gleder deg til neste magasin allerede.

Hvorfor gjør vi dette?

  1. Vi syns ideen med Steemit er verd å gjøre noe med.
  2. Vi ønsker suksess på Steemit.
  3. Vi ser klart og tydelig at det er millioner i potten hvis vi lykkes.

Det er ikke mange som vil satse på det nivå foreløpig. Kan du forstå hvorfor? Ikke vi, men da blir vi jo litt alene inntil videre.

Med vennlig hilsen @BabsBoard En samarbeidspartner til @OneBitNews

Og jeg kommer tilbake til kontoret deres neste gang jeg er i området også!
vurderte om jeg skulle komme på det greiene dere ordner til nå snart, men fant ut at det fortsatt er vinter der borte så venter litt til før jeg tar turen øst over.
Dere gjør hvertfall en bra jobb! så kjør på videre!

Har ikke vurdert å begynne med mining da? har en rame og litt diverse tilsalgs hint hint :p (pris kan diskuteres) kan jo bli miner eller vitne her på steemit ;)
det følger også med hjelp via teamviewer for å få maskinen din til å hashe.

First of all, I really appreciated the diversification of the challenges offered by OBN.

I will propose an idea that aims to enrich the topics to be discussed on the group OneBitNews and motivate the followers of the page.

The idea is for each of the followers of the group to propose an issue per week on any topic and send it to One Bit News on an email or an additional page dedicated to that.

The refereeing on the best theme and the best content will be done by the managing members of the OBN group who will choose the best issue and post it. in the case of winnings, a percentage determined by OBN of the amount collected will be donated to the winner (for example 20 to 25%).

I hope this idea will be appreciated by the community.

Hi @Aminekad

You have a good thought here and it is something we have talked about in OBN before.
Maybe we have to take up this for another round.
Let us look at it and we will come back to you with a answere soon

Kindest regards

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

for my simple idea, why do not you choose each time you drop your articles one of us (your Followers), who writes a quality article on a theme outside yours (music, technology, economics ....) and you share it with all the world.
A55CEE1F-7B86-4F9A-BB7B-A763959CA6D9.gifi agree with you @tbnfl4sun, always @onebitnews brings us great ideas. thanks for the information @steembay, I always learn with you.

Hi, i wish to ask if it would be if interest to expand the sharing economy between us. A lot of us small guys send SBD to bid bot’s and help the bot to earn more money. What about if the users of @onebitnews started to by votes from each other’s. As I can see we have a lot of profiles with great value. So my suggestion is this; if everyone that has the possibility to sell there votes to us newbies list there names here. There minimum and maximum amount we can send. So we will support each other’s:-)

We had to talk about your question for a while before we could come back with a good answere.
Hello @Everydaycoach First of all we will not sell upvotes from @Onebitnews. This is because OBN shall use their votes on good replys from you here at the magazine and if we sold votes from OBN it would have been less votes to go around for you guys. And thoes votes are for free.

Besides that OBN never will sell votes there are, as you mention, some profiles that have more SP than others. Some of thoes already sell votes and some dont. It is up to each and every one by them selfe to take that decision.

For me, I dont have that much SP yet, but still one of my votes gives around 1.3$ in reward. But I dont have time to sett up a system so I can see how much I can give away so the person can make money of my vote.
I know some of the others have already built a system. But they have lot more SP than me.

If someone put up a system for buying and selling votes, just post it and we can see how many that wants to use it. I can probably sell off two or more votes sometimes, but for me the most important are that I have votes to give to replies here at OBN comments and to comments to my own posts.
But I can give some help if someone wants to set this into a system :)

Kindest regards

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

That sounds like a god plan:-) i was hopping for those who has enough sp and wants to sell and earn on this from us “locals” should let us know who they are. In my opinion it is better to by upvotes from people you know then helping other big shoots to become bigger. I know about two Norwegians that sell their votes, but I don’t know what they think about this and how they stand in what to send as minimum and maximum and how often. And neither do I know if they do this manually or with a builded system. My vote is worth about 0.07 on full I guess, so I don’t think I have good enough value to sell other the. To complete newbies. But of course for me I would gladly send 0.07 if some sent me 0.02. That would be 3.5 there cost. So if those who have bigger wallets and want to grow this way why not:-)

I of course understand that obn and your private account focus on upvoting your own community and users. If I had the skills to do programming I would set up a bot where it was possible to delegate into and vote on Norwegian posts and sell votes to primarily Norwegian users and I think as I have found out that 3.5 would be a good profitable return on your investment. But as mentioned I’m not that skilled.
And I someone out there reading this is good at working with spreadsheets (excel) and wants to help me finishing up a new type of contest I’m building for my other account I would be thankful for them to give me a heads up. I just need to be showed how to use the correct if phrases.
Best regards @everydaycoach

Yea. This thought occurred to me too, as I read the news page. But I was thinking lets make a: bot.

OneBitBot. Has a nice ring to the name too!

Totaly agree:-)

Siden ingen av de store her respondere så tenker jeg ar det kanskje ikke er av innteresse å selge stemmer til oss. Det er trist synes jeg

I think it is great that you're having a meet up in Norway, can't wait to hear about it. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and very informative.

On the topic of selling items on steemit I see there is a new platform for that and is called @steembay. There you can post items for sale but it's more of an auction, the best part about it is you also get up votes on your post.

This does not compare to your store with the upvoat cannon but I think it's worth checking out.

Kidnest regards

Hi @Tbnfl4sun I have looked at @Steembay and see that they are on to something. We here at OBN also have some thoughts around the subject of selling items and we will come with some news on the matter in the next issue of the magazine, so stay tuned :) @Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

Great I will be happy to hear new way's to sell things!

I think there are 3 great and major ways to succeed on Steemit:
1_ Increase the value of Steem Power: so we will have a great influence that can help us to have many members who follow us.
2_ A large number of followers allows our content to be visible a lot and therefore be well rewarded.
3_ share rich content with good formatting that can be useful to others.

I gave the basics of work, the rest are techniques that can be different from one person to another, and that we can learn as we stay active in the platform

I have also made a list of what is most important here on Steemit.

  1. STEEM Power - This is everything. With high power there is nothing that can stop your sucsess.
  2. Reputation - If you dont have crayz amounts of SP, you should work to get your rep high. In this way you will stand out from all others and people will see you as a guy that have made it or at least one to follow.

Kindest regards

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

Of course steemit is the best way to work and earn money, but without mentioning steemit, I would like to present from my little experience on E-commerce the four main and real techniques to make money on internet, I will not go into details soon:

Technique # 1 - Monetize your site with Adsense (advertising)

Technique # 2 - Make money on the internet with the sale of products

Technique # 3 - Sell a Service

Technique # 4 - Recommend Products (Affiliate Sales)

You bring some good thoughts and advices for thoes who are trying to do business online.
I have also used all of your 4 techniques before when I was working with another product and can confess that this is working. I got a good hang of how to optimize Adsense and that gave me realy good results.Hi @Redouanemez

Kindest regards

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

I like the idea of selling and buying on steemit.

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