Hi folks!!! Last week we held our first meet-up and what a great gathering it was. We got to hang out with some of our great readers and it seemed like the all enjoyed it.
You can read about the meet-up by going to @Everydaycoach and @Momar to read their post.
First of all, happy women's day to all ladies in the world especially those I know here in @onebitnews community : @barbro, @Susanne, @alvheid, @amalmez and @gagago!
I am very happy to have sold my first Item last week! This item is on it's way to @babsboard now because I have sent it this morning. I'm looking forward to put on sale other items here in OBN magazine at the garage sales issue!
I have already seen the two wonderfull posts of @momar and @everydaycoach about the meet-up. Thanks to the pictures, I saw people I had't seen yet before and who encouraged me a lot last week with their greet upvotes like @barbro! So thank you all for your support. I hope I will be among you next meet-up.
Looking forward to meeting u on next meet up:-)
I also wish to be with you in the next meet-up :-)
You are really lucky to have this opportunity to meet around steemit in norway.
I find it very interesting and shows us a little steemit's long-term strategy and surely "The road is long, but the Steem community will eventually follow the yellow-brick-blockchain to the Emerald City and the process will overcome the wicked witch of the west ". I liked this sentence a lot !!!I checked what @momar and @everydaycoach reported from the meeting, they said it was great and they have benefited a lot from the topics that were discussed at the meeting, I also read @Dan's post on steemits evil plan published two years ago.
I liked that to give the opportunity to people living in far away countries of Norway to attend these meetings and this by setting the date of the next meeting a little before two to three months to allow time to prepare the arrangements of the visas, of the flights and for asking for permission for the holidays and organization of the trip.
Regarding the decline in the value of steem, I consider normal because of the fluctuation of the cryptocurrency market, so it is the duty of users of this currency to increase its value by its use and make it attractive.
but the numbers you mentioned are reassuring about the future of steemit and steem.
the garage sale is well placed in the OBN platform, something that will help to circulate the steem.
the pages of technology and music are inviting to introduce new topics and icons that we are fond of knowing them more.
I think the game of sound will have another challenge next week.
We were told that STEEM will reach 100 Dollars by the end of 2018! we are already in March and I do not think it will be true :)It is good your analysis @aminekad concerning the lower price of STEEM,
Hello @onebitnews!
First of all I would like to congratulate @gyldenhorn for the title of Dolphin, and I am happy to have read that the meet-up went well.
I have a few worries about the lower price of STEEM and I'm still waiting to see a rise in the coming months.
I'm happy to have sold my iphone 6 to @ramta last week and as promised i will send it next friday.
I hope we'll have a good time together this week in our top OBN magazine
Best Wishes
Happy to see the new issue of the magazine, I see that it’s as always you have novelty.
You should join us at the next meeting:-)
I hope so! 👍🏼
Yao! Flott møtet dykkar gjekk bra. Ut frå referatat til gutta krutt så skjønnar eg at det var eit kjekt møte med mykje god lærdom. Samtidig så går ikkje referata inn på detaljar, noko som gjer at konspirasjonsteoriane er mange om kva løyndomar og lumskheiter som vart teke opp. Takk for nytt magasin, på tide å lese seg opp og sjå om de klarar innfri også denne veka :)

Yes @ tbnfl4sun I agree with you we can take advantage of this drop to buy and invest a little money in cryptocurrency.
Yes @onebitnews magazine can really do it and I am very optimistic for its future because it is a realistic magazine and not virtual.
the value of steem falls again and again, even if the platform is growing fast .and I hope that I participate with you in the garage sale auction.
Hi @onebitnews
the membership increase in the platform is exponential, I hope that the activity of the many members will be effective and reliable in bringing added value to steemit and STEEM.
I think for the sake now is easy to find the right video! and good luck to everyone.
I hope you add topics on the sport in a next week.
God morgen, @onebitsnews!
Det var veldig leit at jeg ikke fikk blitt med på møtet på søndag likevel, men det er ikke stort man får gjort med sykdom. Jeg håper dere fikk lest beskjeden min før møtet, og at dere ikke ble sittende å vente på meg.
Men artig at garasjesalget blir en fast spalte. Skal se om jeg kan finne frem noe artig å selge der snart! Nå er jo prisen på Steem nokså lav, så kanskje jeg til og med kan få en grei slant med Steem for en ting jeg uansett ikke bruker.
Hilsen @valth
I wish you good recovery and we are waiting for you to offer your products for sale !Hello @valth
Best wishes
Hi @onebitnews I am a new member in Steemit and also in your valuable magazine i wish to spend a good time with you and wish you success more and more !
From digital to the reality, your meeting can be titled this way, steem is not only a points system, it is an other way lo live in this world.
Solid blog du har mekket til Torkil respect.. Well done ✌️god helg 🙏
I hope someday to attend with you a meet-up.
Hi @onebitnews! another weekend with you really it's good. I really liked the photo taken of your meet-up shared by @momar. good week @tommyhansen, @gyldenhorn, @everydaycoach, @barbro, @erlendgroseth, @momar.
Have a good week u 2
I would like to promote you in every post I write, I'm just waiting for your support
IMG_20180306_103233.jpg@onebitnews am your new follower !! This is my first day here on steemit! I hope i can read a lot of your article. I want to learn more
Dear @onebitnews... it is nice to read about your successful meet-up. I hope someday I could also join you guys to hear the discussion of great topics. Is there a possibility of a joint-chat in discord or any live discussion somewhere, so that other members like those who can´t go to Norway could also join too?
I liked your selling process.
Hope everyone feels very good.
I congratulate @onebitnews and have those who have
Hei, @barbro! Det var en veldig fin videosnutt du delte med oss :) Hadde absolutt vært kult om vi fikk noen like fantastiske historier på møtet!
Why are you copy-pasing a comment I write in the past, and signing it with my name? That's not nice! Trust me, it will not pay off to spam comments to @onebitsnews.