This post is going to be a very important one. Me and the CAPO's and @morocroft are working our butt's off to make the other gangs leave you alone. We will succeed, it will only take some time. Some of you want to farm more than going to war. As a Viking you have the right to do so. Your leaders will protect you. You are as valuable as any Viking.
What to do....
When someone send you a SPY, this is what you answer with your SPY:
How nice of you to visit the Vikings. It can be dangerous not to leave a message. It is usually seen upon as aggression. Have a nice day ;-)
PS. We will wait for your answer....
If they then attack you, you let us know in this post or the posts to come, and we will deal with it.
If you go to war on other GANGS you are on your own. We do not fight other GANGS at the moment.
Sun Tzu - The Art of War and the history of all wars itself - combined with Vikings belief: The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another: My belief in you is as strong as ever.
It is fun to be a VIKING
One of the reasons it is fun to be a Viking is that we share what we get.
The Vikings are known for their beliefs (VALHALLA), exploring the world and new games to play. MEET THE VIKINGS ON THE BATTLEGROUD AND YOU WILL REGRET YOU WAS EVER BORN INTO THIS WORLD. - "I did all my best tradeoff's with the Vikings"- @Ramta Reddington
So in this post you will get some of my tradeoff's with the Vikings. It will be very important to have STEEM POWER in the future (why will come later HF 21).
- You just reply to this post, write what you want and finish with this sentence: "Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"
- @fender - Our Head of Security - will then answer you and Power Up your STEEM POWER account directly.
The Viking Gang still in Second Place
Thank you, really all of you for keeping us in second place as we planned. I see clearly now that with a GANG like you Vikings we will stay in second place. You are fantastic so I hope you are proud of it.
I think some of you tried to send me a message with TRANSPORT but there is a bug or something because the message in TRANSPORT does not work. You can write a message but it never reach the player you write it to. Now you know ;-)
I have to go back to the game there is so much I need to do for us.
@Ramta Reddington
Hello, and thank you for accepting me into your gang! I'm Calvin, I'm a music and video producer, 30 years old, I used to live in Sweden but currently in Spain, so I understand a little Norwegian, and I can't wait to be a part of your future adventures!
Unfortunately, I do come to you in a time of need. A player has been bullying me for weeks now. He was using me as a farm, when I politely asked him to stop, he said "make me an offer", which I rejected. He proceeded to attack me with his army that's far greater in numbers for weeks to come. He would usually send 2~3k troops a few times a day. So I would just send my troops away and spend my resources every time I saw him coming, a couple of times I managed to avoid him and amass more troops, and defeat his few thousand, at which point he just proceeds to mass attack me with tens of thousands. Frankly, it's getting a little too stressful and the game starts to take too much of my day and becomes not fun.
So why not just change my username and photo? I guess I might... I believe in standing up to bullies, and that's why I'm here as a last resort, I have a few thousand troops right now I'm willing to send, but it's not enough. I understand his army is pretty intemidating, and he's in a pretty big gang, so if you guys advise me to just change my username and photo, I'll proceed with that. Any other thoughts, please let me know.
A screenshot of his attacks: A screenshot of me spying him earlier:
Thank you for having me and your time!
Hello @CalvinWest
Here is the message I sent with a SPY to George Smiley.
So we will wait and see what the answer will be.
Welcome to the gang - the Boss
@ramta hey, since I'm new to gangs, which building do you prefer I send resources to?
And does the group have a discord or telegram group for easy and private communications? I would suggest that to be considered. I may be new to gangs, but I know how to run a business ;)
have a nice day.Hi @calvinwest, we have a new group on discord for our gang Viking
Thanks man, he's messaging me "why did you go crying to daddy". I'm not going to answer to avoid further provocation.
I asked for explanations and he continues to offend.
Looks like he does this to a lot of people.
This guy is a bully who picks on smaller players to feel powerful.
I can't take him on my own, so let's wait and see how the boss wants to proceed.
Thanks for understanding. I wouldn't want to change my name, but if he continues I'll do it, I like my name.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi Ramta,
I'm writing you on behalf of a group of Steemians who recently started a discussion and decision-making forum for STEEM-Investors. And we would gladly see you joining us!
Is there a way to reach you either on Discord or ?
alone, warning of enemy attack. gang LOL.

the Vikings never give up, I'm going to recover very quickly from my second account, I will change the strategy for the accounts farms
he does not bother you anymore ;)
have a nice day .
thank you morocrof, I send resources as thanks and recover faster your army
Applying the message in my spy.

Hi @javiermurillo , If he attacks you , you make me a sign ;)
One of your Viking here reporting.
Sent 131700 weapons for Scientific Lab
Sent 122940 Alcohols for Military AcademyHello Boss @ramta
Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Your STEEM POWER account was 494.762 STEEM and it is now 497.762 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fenderHello @Farizal
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
As we know all, the weapon is more important to upgrade all building, always we need this weapon,So I'm going first to up building of weapon to level 19 .have a nice day.THANK YOU
"Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"Hello boss @Ramta,first thank for all you're doing ,you are a very good leader , approximate one week I'm building more troop's and I don't have much resources to contribute to the gang I'm so sorry but security first,now I have 100 mill weapon &92 mill alcohol on my troop's.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello @Morocroft
Your STEEM POWER account was 463.576 STEEM and it is now 466.576 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
Thank you so much Dear @Fender
This message is a good thing. I have been writing other things, but shall adopt this form now on.
I am still building up the army, just in case ragnarok is coming!!!Hello Boss @Ramta Reddington
"Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"

Your STEEM POWER account was 1,815.740 STEEM and it is now 1,818.740 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fenderHello @OneBitNews
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
hello @ramta, thanks for accepting me, my drugwars name's voltron.
Capo EveryDayCoach reporting for duty.
Smart to have a common text to send to players spying!
Best regards
EveryDayCoachHello big boss @Ramta @Fender does a great job with security:-)
Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Posted using Partiko iOS
Your STEEM POWER account was 3,284.538 STEEM and it is now 3,287.539 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fenderHello @EveryDayCoach
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
Aplicando el mensaje de los Vikingos.
I think that if I send this message at narla.ghelo I am pretty dead :D
Smashed my army few times already for almost no profit.. spying on me now until the next time..Hi @Ramta!
Btw why not having a more private area discussing our strategies instead of giving all info public to enemies?
Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Hello @Makishart
Your STEEM POWER account was 2,647.154 STEEM and it is now 2,650.154 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
VALHALLA MY Fellow Vikings 🦄
Coming donations when I get home from the flatlands (Denmark)
Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Posted using Partiko Android
Just a question for Capo @Tommyhansen or other members that have the answer! It looks like many players have many knifers in there army. 4000-8000 and not much of the others and they fight decent, is there any reason behind this that I don’t know?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hi @everdaycoach, it is important to have Knifers in your army, it easily kills boncers.But now with the building training the most important for me is ELITE ARMY like ninja big mama and mercenary more damage and defense with building PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING (it's my startegy).
I’m really thankful for your tip about writing list. Today and yesterday I have gathered about 2 mill. resources. I still need a bigger list but this helps me grow much faster
Hi @morocroft
Posted using Partiko iOS
Very nice .every day add more name of accounts inactive in the list,have a nice day.
Posted using Partiko Android
when i can send you full list with inactive account ?
I strongly disagree :P
I think you not play any more 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
from time to time ;)
Btw. the blockchain doesn't forget ;)
Awww. I am late.
I'll say this anyway.
I am proud to be a Viking!
"Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"
putofiambre keeps attacking me... I'll try to send your message and thanks for what you do for us. Have a nice day!
Im getting terrorized by this guy :( destroying my troops. Can u send him a message in a bottle chief? @ramta ;)
Boss @ramta here reporting to me the leader of the military academy.
We reach level 8 and we go for more.
Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Hola @JavierMurillo - leader of the military academy
Your STEEM POWER account was 103.568 STEEM and it is now 106.568 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
Thank you! @fender
hello boss, reporting as a good Viking, right now I am helping with the weapons, I am very happy that you make the peace treaty with the gangs. We Vikings are strong working as a team!
I was curious to know about 3 steem, but count on them.
Oh, yes, we CAN with 3 STEEM
Hello @Ficcion
Your STEEM POWER account was 113.758 STEEM and it is now 116.758 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
thank you very much security chief @fender
Good to know thank you! Oh yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello @jlj
Your STEEM POWER account was 353.176 STEEM and it is now 356.176 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
@ramta he continues attacking me for no reason, help me please😭
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Posted using Partiko Android
He has a very powerful army.
I wanted to help you.
@fender Can you help her?
please help me, i'm desperate. he attacks me everyday
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry i can not attack anyone who has the same strength as me ,otherwise we lose both,the only solution i can avenge on their gang member if @ramta accept,have a nice day.
on July 15th I will be able to change the name, until then I am still, thanks
Posted using Partiko Android option.
Posted using Partiko Android
Congratulations @ramta! You received a personal award!
You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
Hello Boss @ramta reddington and all the Vikings,
For me, I think that when they see that I am a member of the Vikings, they leave me alone !!!
So it's perfect!!!! but if someone sends me a spy, I won't hesitate to follow the instructions :)
Have a good day boss and all Vikings!!
"Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"
Well done amigo !!! :)
The vikings are might people who never lose, either win or learn. And being part of this family is something I am proud of and ready when a come to arms shout is given. Every Viking needs a ship for his travels, so I am glad I have found one here! Ale ale vikings and may the Gods protect you!

Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM
Hello @Testhings
Your STEEM POWER account was 60.141 STEEM and it is now 63.141 STEEM
In your Steemit Wallet HISTORY: Receive 3.000 STEEM POWER from fender
YOU as a Viking deserve Power
@Fender - Head of Security
Very interesting, attack on a account inactif without resources, but with LAWYER you can reduce the safe of resources ;)

"Oh Yeah, POWER me up with 3 STEEM"
I sent 5 steemHello @ramta why hasn't my post been upvote
Posted using Partiko Android
You haven't voted @ramta for one day yet
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello @ramta why is there no response ... Do you want to lie to me
Posted using Partiko Android
@ramta Return me see if you don't upvote my post, I send you 5 Steem already two days ago
Posted using Partiko Android
i scouted

Er ikke dette våre allierte @ramta?
Hey king! We need you, you're a such valuable member of the HIVE community and we need your help to bring the most advanced NFT market to HIVE that will integrate all the games and offer a new level experience to the NFT traders on all our blockchain. We're running a proposal and your vote is necessary to reach the goal. Thanks in advance king!