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RE: Quality talk about @BabsBoard GarageSale Issue 10

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

Born of a nation(Bangladesh).
The people of Bangladesh discovered their identity through the Language Movement in 1952index.jpg. The struggle to establish their identity and national spirit began soon after 1947, when the British left India dividing it into two countries: India and Pakistan.That was also part of a conspiracy. Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, was part of Pakistan, which was put together by combining two geographically, culturally, and linguistically separate groups of people.Without religion there was no similarity between this two group. The people of Bangladesh soon realized that being a part of Pakistan, which was created on the two nation theory, there was little scope for the distance culture of Bangladeshis to flourish. The Bangla language was the most important media of the cultural expression for the people of this land. The refusal of the central government in West Pakistan to grant official status to the Bangla became the focal point of struggle.The contradiction of the two Pakistans , the racial oppression and the exploitation of the West over the East was gradually unveiled. The struggle for the consciousness of identity and cultural freedom which began with the advent of the student movements of the 60's gained momentum in the mass movement of non-cooperation in 1969. Though it brought about the fall of a mighty military ruler like Ayub Khan, the ultimate goal of self-rule was not achieved. After this, came the election of 1970 with absolute victory of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.In the elections of December 7, 1970 the Awami League won 160 out of 162 seats in East Pakistan, all but two, and would have had a clear majority in the new assembly had it been convened. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the majority party leader of the Pakistan National Assembly .
The military rulers of Pakistan refused to allow the Awami League to form a government. A heinous conspiracy was plotted by the then Pakistani military dictator Yahya Khan along with Zulfikar Ali bhutto. Even though a conspiracy was being planned, General Yahya Khan was careful not to let this be known. On the 13th of February he announced that on the 3rd of March there would be a session of National A ssembly in Dhaka. Everyone began to eagerly await that day.
The Pakistan Army began their genocide by attacking the innocent Bangaladeshis of Dhaka city. The dwellers of Dhaka city never confronted such unimaginable cruelty at 25th march29598331_2159678487382907_3121903306875474018_n.jpg. But the brave people of this beloved land did not let the dream encircled flag of red and green fall down to dust.
Major General Ziaur Rahman on behalf of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, announced the declaration of independence from Kalurghat Radio Station. A full scale movement of non-cooperation with the military government began on the 26th of March, 1971 which is celebrated as the Independence Day every year. Thus Bangladesh plunged into a gory war seeking its own birth.
During the nine month struggle which ensued an estimated three million Bengalis died and and ten million refuges fled into India. Sheikh Mujib was imprisoned in west Pakistan. A Bangladesh Government in exile was established. The Bangalees started a smart and courageous guerrilla warfare. At one point, India also got involved in the war. The actual military campaign of India took place in December and lasted only ten days. The Indian Army launched a massive offensive against the Pakistani forces to support the Bangladesh movement. On December 16, 1971, the Pakistan army surrendered1.jpgKnf3Lp6czJ2QUhJeyIzBkURM6EA%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3zLi9jZvbAhXEqI8KHQuyDsoQ9QEIODAH#imgrc=

Hi @ramta sir here people made different kinds of comment's.I also commented on this post.But now i wanna share a great story with you..A nation was born with a very high price of blood.Bangladesh was from Pakistan they beg pardon for what they did to Bangladeshi people.But still they refused to accept the truth.More than two lac women raped intentionally during that war.India helped us during the war against pakistan.Now Bangladesh is flourishing country.Our country has got very first economic growth.Now Bangladesh is no2 in ready made garments sector in the world.Bangladesh is fourth largest fish producer in the world.Bangladesh also doing well in sports,our cricket team is now ranked 7 in ICC ODI ranking.We are doing well in various sectors such as foreign remittance.We are looking forward to achieve more.All the picture collected from- I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment. Best regards @rupok.