All throughout my life i have enjoyed electronic dance music. When you listen to a beat on a fixed amount per minutes that's just right, that's when you will become completely relaxed.
While many of you might think that there is electronic music such as house, techno, or hardstyle. This is partially true. But i could name you at least 20 variations to those. But don't worry, i won't make you sleepy by doing so.I'll take you straight to the end. The very best kind; Deephouse. Attached you will find my favourite mix of the day, selected just for you guys.
I hope that you enjoy it. If you really like it then you're in luck, the mix lasts for a long time ;).
I will be sharing one of these mixes with you everyday. And every month I will make a post containing the three mixes that you, the Steemians, valued best. When looking at this valuation I look at the recieved amount of votes, not voting power. All are equal under the sun.
So what then, is music:
Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
love it! Greetings from Vienna
Good @rymlen, please please please help me
Good post @rymlen, please help me @rezaleoni
nice blog... i also love music....
ok,,, im enjoy,, your music video
In order to power our teem on how??? Please help from @rymlen to @rezaleoni
Wow, top one
Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit.
Finally something about house music! im sick of all these mumble jumble rap. (no offence to anyone) but yeah! nice!
Great post, i love the music
wow amazing :) it is great video
I love this one as well as the one before.
It's hard to tell which is best when they both are completely different both still add up to making you feel relaxed and soothingly warm inside.
Keep up the good work
nice mix!