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RE: Announcing the winner of the contest from issue 6 of @BabsBoard garage sale

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

O my God O my God.I just can't believe this.It's a dream to me.This is the best thing happened to me after joining steemit.This garage sell is the best thing of steemit to me.I enjoy most when i take part in auction.It make me feel superb.giphy.gif
I am flying in the sky.148.gif

and all other guy who are behind this auction.I am so happy now.Thank's to all of you from deep end of my heart.
1.gif @babsboard sir you made my day Thank's to @babsboard @ramta @tommyhansen @barbro @hasmez


Congratulations @SarahmcDowell2

It looks like you like games so I will give you this tip:

Earn STEEM for winning the matches and lose nothing otherwise. It is a brand new game for your cellphone.

Where is your avatar? You profile says very little about you, fix it! Where are you from in the world and so on.... You have to do everything if you want to be big on Steemit. At last, do not resteem too much. People want you, not other people in your blog.

Have a nice life, go, go girl!

@Ramta Reddington

Arghhh....Hope they make a iPhone version of this soon. I want to plaaaaay :)
I know that I can buy a Android but, I like it over here at the dark side with Apple :)

An iPhone version is on the way but still undergoing tests. The producer of the game is as I understood him working hard to get it on IOS but he will need more Iphone to see how it works on different models. I had a nice conversation with him some days ago:-)

Have a great day my friend

FEF1A3A4-4B06-4908-A9FD-9BF53FF6947B.jpeg Best regards @EveryDayCoach

I will try to play this game,thank's to you for giving such opportunity to earn by playing game.Hey @great ramta sir you made my day.Thank's a lot for your support and love.This win will help me to do better in future at steemit.

Hi @saramcdowell2,

Congratulations! You guess the exact number of upvotes. Well done! Just go ahead and continue this way!

It's an honor for me to be mentioned with the golden four @ramta, @babsboard, @barbro and @tommyhansen! But I am just a guy like you who contributes in this garage sale issues! And you forgot to add @everydaycoach who is the right hand of @babsboard here.

Best regards

200w_s.gifThank's to you @hasmez for wishing me.People like you made the auction even more enjoyable.

I am following everyone ..........

Congrats, @sarahmcdowell2! Enjoy your incoming huge upvotes from the @babsboard team ;)

Wk6Je_s-200x150.gifThank's a lot to @valth sir.Sir i am very grateful for the love and suppoort you have shown to me.God bless you and i wish you more success in life.Sir you just made my day very special.Thank's from deep end of my heart.

Congratulations with winning this great price. Did you have a crystal ball you looked in?
A15E3D19-9787-46AE-9268-3194181D5EA9.jpegHi @SarahMcDowell2

I hope to see more of your participation on this wonderful part of Steemit.

Even if your product don’t sell the first time you will most likely get some nice upvotes and you earn money anyway.

BF9BB8BF-0F19-4F0F-8C8E-ECBF6BFA4A0F.jpeg Have you tried to sell anything at the #garagesale ? Best regards @EveryDayCoach

200w_d.gifI think your prayer is with me that's why i have won this.Thank's a lot to you @everydaycoach sir for your love and support.From now i will surely try to sell something in garage sell.Thank's for your advice i am sure this will help me to earn more.Thank's from deep end of my heart @everydaycoach sir.

Hello @sarahmcdowell,


You did it, my friend, enjoy your victory, you are a good fighter and you will certainly achieve success in the coming times as well.
We are really lucky to find this wonderful place called GARAGE SALE
33472021-job-well-done-words-on-a-3d-arrow-hitting-a-bull-s-eye-on-a-dart-board.jpg filled with love, competition and fun with @ramta @babsboard @everydaycoach @barbro and others.

Have a good day @gagago

2.gifThank's @gagago mam.Thank's for wishing me.You are one of inspiration here at garage sale.

You're right @sarahmcdowell, my mother @gagago has a lot of talent and she really inspires me in many things because her Knowledge is greater than her age and I'am really proud of her, and thank you so much for your compliment to her .

Congratulations, I am so happy for you. You never expected this but blessings always comes as surprise. You have just be blessed. Kudos to the organisers

pokal.pngHipp hipp hurray to @SarahmcDowell2 I know if you follow and participate with @Babsboard great things will happened :)

A beautiful soul deserves beautiful things in life. May the rest of your life be full of many more success like this one. Congratulations on your achievement!Many many Congratulation Dear @sarahmcdowell2.

Congratulation (1).jpg

Congratulations to @SarahmcDowell2

May today's success be the beginning of tomorrow's achievements.
Congratulations for present and upcoming successes.


It is a success, you truly deserved. It is an achievement you have truly earned. I congratulate you on your success and wish you all the best for your future. Well Done.


Thank's for wishing me @latikasha.

You deserve this success and this reward because personnaly every time I visit this page of Garage Sale, I find that your name is among those who participated in an auction or commented on a post.Congratulations @sarahmcdowell2

So this is the reward for your perseverance and your work.

A big "thank you" is sent to the managers and suppoorters of this page who offers these opportunities to us "steemians" to evolve on this platform

Good luck and go ahead.

congrats (2).jpg
Number%20100%20Clipart%2015.jpgDear @SarahmcDowell2, your guesstimate was 100% accurate. Last time also Dear @Amalmez's answer was 100% right. You really deserve it. Many thanks to Dear @Babsboard & Dear @Everydaycoach for arranging such a fantastic Auction.

Congratulations @sarahmcdowell, so happy for you and enjoy your victory ;)


Thank's to @achrafo for wishing me.This will inspire me to do better.

Hi @sarahmcdowell
Well done you did it right @Congratlations

2.gifThank's to @smer for wishing me.

@sarahmcdowell2 Conguratulations.. It’s Amazing to gues 😃