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RE: Quality talk about @BabsBoard GarageSale Issue 10

in #norway7 years ago

It is a big problem with bad comments. Both for the reader and writer who waste his or her time on writing nonsense.

I normally confront people on it. I try to respond to all traffic to my acount (replies/comments), but often is it hard because they give me no info nor topic to keep the discussion going further. And 8 out of 10 times the have some kind of begging of following them or liking them.

What is the right thing to do?

Confronting them?

Downvote them ( i never does )

Or blocking them?

I dont know.

What i do?
I only post thing that is exciting for me and comments on things that i want to know more about and topics where i can contribotute to a engaging discussion.

Thanks for the game!
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment