Revebjølle. Foxglove.

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

Revebjølle (Digitalis purpurea) høyrer til maskeblomstfamilien og er eit vakkert innslag i naturen. Dei purpurraude fingerbjørgliknande blomane er eit syn der dei står i store klasar med hengande blomar. Både på engelsk og norsk har denne planten rev med i namnet. Derimot har den fingerbjørgliknande fasongen gjeve blomen namn på ulike språk som dansk, almindelig fingerbøl, islandsk, fingurbjargablóm, tysk, Roter Fingerhut og svensk, fingerborgsblomma.
Som liten gut fekk eg tidleg vita at denne blomen var giftig, men lærte ôg at den var brukt som hjartemedisin. Studerer ein bileta nøye, vil ein finna ein liten maur på eit par av bileta. Kanskje den finn eitkvar matnyttig i blomen?

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) belongs to the plantain family and is a beautiful feature in nature. The purple-red thimble-like flowers is a lovely sight where they stand in big bunches with hanging flowers. Both English and Norwegian have the word fox in the name. On the other hand, the thimble-like pattern has the name of various languages such as Danish, «ordinary fingerbøl», Icelandic, «Fingurbjargablòm», German, «Roter Fingerhut» and Swedish, «Fingerborgsblomma».
As a little boy, I soon realised that this flower was poisonous, but learned that it used as a cardiac medicine.
If you study the pictures carefully, you will find one little ant on a couple of the pictures. Maybe it finds something to eat in the flower?







Have a nice day, siggjo

I don't know why the value of STEEM coin is going down :(

I think the Steem move together with the other crypto @Joeypark

Wonderful photos. I've never seen such bright colors before.
What beauty. @siggjo Little ant-quite a small. I often thought of you on vacation. Best wishes from @singa

The macrophotographs are wonderful. Like most other flowers.

I am glad you like the quality and the colour of the pictures of foxglove.Thanks for your comments @Singa

Best regards

How funny. I just did a post on foxglove.

Check it out if you like.
The heart medicine is called Digitalis and hundreds of thousands of people depend on it.
Nice photography by the way.

Thanks for your comments about the foxglove @Sapper

Best regards

Flower colour looking so attractive

unique flower like bells.