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RE: Stranger things in Sweden. Man picks up undetonated hand grenade while biking, then it explodes and he dies.

in #norway7 years ago

Here are the 2017 totals and 2018 year-to-date statistics for Chicago according to

It's a real web site that came up when I did a search for the murder rate in Chicago.

And while Sweden may no longer be Sweden, Chicago is most certainly still Chicago.

I gotta believe that Chicago probably has almost the population of Sweden and they didn't need to import a bunch of Syrians to get the job done, that's homegrown USA talent right there.


Well..go deeper into the statistics and look at ethnicity. Those 675 homicides are not commited by european descendants :) If you do a quick search, you'll find out that 77% of the people murdered in Chicago are blacks, and 71% of the killers are black. This is primarilly a BLACK problems, not an American problem.

If you try to counter with "poverty" I can counter with look at poor whites vs poor blacks. I'm sorry, but there is no getting away from the fact that blacks and arabs are more violent than hispanics, and hispanics are more violent than whites, and whites are more violent than east asians.

I wish race and culture didn't mean anything - I truly do. But it does.

I can agree that it's a cultural problem, but unless someone has sequenced the genetic code for violence I'm not buying the race thing.

Whites can be just as violent as blacks or hispanics or asians.

And a great deal more efficiently I might add.

Let's not forget those peace-loving light-skinned individuals currently pushing Ukraine into the 19th century.

And, more than likely, you'll find white people like George Soros secretly financing it.

Nobody has a monopoly on violence.

You are right. Even if I think there is a factor in some cases, in general, this can not be explained by genetics. This is a welfare phenomena. Welfare receivers are on top on the statistics in different parts of the world, and in all colors.

Programmed beings, we are given visors and filters from birth. Once removed its obvious how we're all one in the most colorful way