Claustral conundrums
Falcate claws devour
A fatuitous conditioned response
The albescent maiden is angered by me
Violaceous offerings to my mistress
Do not please her because she's a sadist
A mordacious plague is being spread
No one knows for sure how many are dead
Apheliotropic reveries
Tear at my humanity
An ectogenous parasite
Blackens my soul
Your apodictic certainty
Is only a fallacy
For you have surely been programmed
And I won't ever ask you to see (again)
An unpolitic solution
Is that which I propose
Decades and decades
No real truth was disclosed
We're in the time of the greatest opportunity
And the most relevant information
But still the elites can easily
Unleash their devastation
On unsuspecting victims
Through so-called strikes with precision
A declivous potential
To save humanity
Maybe someday
I shall reclaim my sanity
Bathypelagic Serpents reign from the abyss
I never though my whole life
Would be a party I missed
Vulturine swathes of bottom feeders
Make righteous people reach for their heaters
Protohuman skeletons from prehistory
Again reinforce the importance of the mystery
Allochthonous artifacts
Formed in outer space
Make me again question
The origins of our race
Totipalmate amphibian human hybrids
Do not show themselves
Not even to squids
This planet has more anomalies
Than storage lockers have bids
Preprandial poetry
Flows through my veins
To choose this life
One must indeed be insane
Obsequent the paradigm
With the truth I am aligned
Confiscable assets and saviors
Do indeed shape our behaviors