Q said to follow RChandler friends, who would lead to others like her:
Voat Pizza Goats to the rescue:
Chandler Spirit Cooks with Abramovich: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/924956.html#925052
Chandler connected to Rothschilds: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/924956.html#925067
Chandler at Standard Hotel:
Chandler with Richard Gere with pedo swirl?
Chandler is a wealthy SoCal heiress: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568 and https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/924956.html#q925523
Chandler Guinness relatives connections to Hitler: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/931962.html#932594
Chandler got a Happy Birthday from Comet Ping Pong:
Gawker first reported on pic of Chandler and WJC on Burkle's jet
Q replies to a Tumblr pic of RC and Eminem that Eminem's anti-Trump attitude has something to do with someone who received a presidential pardon and someone who was killed by MS13:
Anon's went down the rabbit hole of Chandler's Instagram and modeling company pics. They found a bunch of bloodless, drugged-looking young teens, like this one with a suspicious comment. as well as pedoish pics of kids, including
A pic of an underage vag painting titled "Pussy grabs back": NSFW https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/924956.html#925726
A pic of a bent over girl (gymnast?) with a blood spot on her underwear:
Someone posted a bunch of Kim Noble child rape art of kids drinking sperm a la Spirit Cooking, and then someone else posts a pic of one of the modeling agency kids.
Q responds saying "Report to FBI / DOJ. Watch what happens. Spotlight. Subject deviation. Risk. End." Anon's complain the FBI/DOJ won't do anything but hide the evidence. Others urge people to call West Coast FBI offices that are still open. Q responds "Operators are on standby." So many call in to the FBI tip line that people have to wait on hold.
Fifteen minutes later (bread #1151), an anon posts a very odd pic of a bank of security camera screens and urges everyone "Dig Anons follow the post replies. Time to Hunt some Pedo's."
Pizza goats are at the ready:
Q admits using 8chan and Pizzagate to pressure the Cabal
Two hours after Q first asked for RC research, an anon asks "Q, was "pedo drop" narrative in recent bread distraction or planned?" Q says "Not planned, but necessary." Two hours later, Q posts a link to a CNN article about Roseanne's "conspiracy tweets" and says "What a coincidence." The board gets thick with trolls and anons asking questions and the RC research seems to stop.
Then Q, apparently replying to questions about the NYT, CNN, and Newsweek "conspiracy" hit pieces and/or pedo revelations, says "Spread out by design. MSNBC next? @Jack No ‘PG’ bot push post RC? Saving for Monday? Waiting. Open the door. @Snowden Close to door."
Did Q just warn us that there will be a Pizzagate "conspiracy" bot push now that he has unleashed the anons on Rachel Chandler?
Anon explains the big picture: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/928829.html#q928947
Anon christens us "Conspiracy Analysts"
Anon posts explanation of previous Q leak predicting bot disruption:
Q points anons to Epstein Island, site of Spirit Cooking Cannibal Diner
At fifteen minutes to midnight, with only two mentions of the mysterious security camera pic in multiple breads, Q posts a link to it and says "The island. Night [3]." And anons quickly realize he is referencing his previous drop about Epstein island "187 site" from April 3: . Anons fill the Insta post with comments. Anons cross-check the security camera date with previous Q leaks and find this: . Read the rest of the thread to get the full awful impact of the reaction. Anons try enhancing the images to unlock their horrors.
Seventeen minutes after midnight on Saturday, after intense analysis, Q has seen enough. He says "Connection made. RC end. We have grounds. Reverting. Thank you." Apparently enough FBI reports were made highlighting enough suspicious crap in Rachel Chandler's pics that they have grounds to investigate officially.
Takeaway: "Conspiracy Analysts" crowdsourced the investigation of Epstein's child procurer RC. Prepare for heavy chaff to blur and discredit the findings, as Q has warned several times:
4pm Friday:
4pm Saturday:
Archive of RC's Instagram: Link (Instagram ray.chandler, all pictures): http://anonfile.com/Re88b1ecbb/all_from_1_to_1072_-_ray.chandler.zip
Archive of RC's Tumblr: http://anonfile.com/h797bee1b5/rachelchandler-tumblr.zip
RC's wedding pics: https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/rachel-chandler-guinness-wedding-photos
Connect the dots...
12-18-2020 BIG DAY 📆🇨🇳🇺🇸🕵️♀️👁🎯🤯🤯🤯
Looking up Q post after Ellen posted playing connect 4-!
CONNECT the dots?
@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).
@Snowden travels to RUSSIA.
Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).
Shadow Brokers ORIG in RUSSIA.
Can you make the connection why @Snowden went to RUSSIA?
Can you make the connection who provided the source code to SHADOW BROKERS?
Define 'Spook'.
Define 'Shadow'.
Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?
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