Note Blockchain Social Network


The story of Note Blockchain starts a few years ago, with Ethan Shen

Ethan had a vision, a vision of a world where social networks would not be a gold mine for the owners or operators of these social networks.

Because today the business model of those we know and use on a daily basis has been the same for 10 years. To use them, we have the obligation to provide some simple information such as :

  • Last name, First name
  • Age
  • Domiciliation
  • Email Address
  • Phone

This same information has a financial value (you'll find an example of what reselling such information can bring), and generates hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars in annual profits to social networks! And 0 to the users!

Those days are far from over, but it is up to us to adapt, and to choose to change, refusing to be financially exploited for the benefit of others. Let's look to the future of Social Networks! AND join THOSE who do not (and will never) sell our personal data!

That's why after years of work by Ethan Shen and all the people around him who see this future in the same way, Note Blockchain Social Network was born (in February 2020).

You can download Note Blockchain now on your store (Android & iOS) or if you already have your NTBC Wallet, just update it.

It's easy to register

  • Indicate your First and Last Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Phone number
  • A Password

(As I just told you above, your personal information will never be resold.)

Then you will receive a validation code by SMS, to note again in the App.

  • And lastly, you just need to set a 4-digit PIN code

Remember to write down your login details and password on a sheet of paper, for more security, do not save them on your computer or in your mail, and do not print them. To connect again (if you change your phone) you will only need our Phone Number, your Password and your PIN code.

On this social network you are free to do what you want, post what you want:

  • Photos
  • Gifs
  • Texts
  • Links
  • Note Certificate
  • Making little games
  • Like & Comment

The advantage of this new Social Network, is that users have a 'TIP' function, which gives you the possibility to send as many NTBC (Cryptocurrency of Note Blockchain) as you want, to the content creators, but also to the comments you like (by default you can send 0,009 NTBC per – unlimited – TIP, but you can change this amount in 'Tip Setting' and choose the amount you want, up to 10 000 NTBC maximum).

It's good to know that NTBC cryptocurrency is listed in the Markets, so it has a real financial value, every time you use the 'TIP' function it means that you are rewarding with real money, the author of the post, as well as the author can also 'TIP' NTBC on the comments you post under his post.

Ethan Shen and his team, are the architects of Note Blockchain Social Network Structure, and we (users) are its soul. They offer us an incredible tool, allowing us to finally make the most of what social networks can bring us, but moreover, to make money by using it (without Note Blockchain making money on your personal information without your knowledge). It's up to us, and it's in our interest to define together what its future will be.

Social networks are an integral part of everyone's life, especially for Generation Z 'who have always known this means of communication', as opposed to Generation Y (for people born in the 80s), Generation X and the Baby Boomers before them who remember our world without the Internet. According to a report from January 2020, 3.8 billion people worldwide use social networks, spending an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes a day on them.


Unlike other sites or blogs, which allow us to earn money on what we post, on Note Blockchain Social Network the money used (NTBC) comes from the user's Wallet and not from a Pool, and the daily TIPs are unlimited (as long as you have NTBC in your Wallet).

You can also print your own Note Certificates, (from 1 to 100 at a time), or print one that can be claimed by as many people as you wish, you can post them on Note Blockchain Social Network, or any other site you wish, as well as protect the claim with a password, which you can make users guess in order to claim their share of Note, or give the password on to anyone you choose.

The use of Note Certificates (with all its functionalities) is really interesting, and almost without limit:

  • Organizing games
  • Setting up competitions
  • Reward your fans and friends
  • The only limit is your imagination (and the amount of NTBC in your Wallet).

You will find more information and details in my previous article


To thank you for reading this article, and to introduce you to Note Blockchain Social Network, here is a 50,000 NTBC Note Certificate, which can be claimed by 10 people. So I offer 5,000 NTBC to a few people, then you can do whatever you want with it, spend them on this social network, send them to a friend, or generate new Note Certificates to share wherever you want. Here is the password to claim them (otherwise it wouldn't be fun) : NTBC08

(To receive your 5,000 NTBC just go to the App, go to ' Receive Notes ', click on ' Claim Notes ' and scan the QR code on the right, the QR code on the left allows you to download the App directly from your store)

What's great about Note Blockchain is that you can get Notes, simply, and for free through a variety of means:

Thank you all, and see you soon on Note Blockchain Social Network.

Christophe WILHELM

Note Blockchain

