Censorship on the internet does exist. It's specially bad on YouTube and Facebook.
"who has plans to fix it?" Find someone who agrees with you and team up with them until you can find a suitable solution. I would like to build such a portal but it's out of my scope of skills and budget. However, I might run into someone who can do this eventually, so why not keep in touch with me?
you are incorrect
youtube facebook twitter etc posts are removed by deep learning bots not humans with the majority of their criteria being publicly stated in their terms
why would i waste my time?
i spent two years here trying to combat scams and give out free trades but the problem is the platform was created and is controlled by scammers , to fix would give scammers more money so where is the logic in working towards that end
I'm not incorrect. This is an extreme example, but still useful to make it clear there is censorship. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/facebook-bans-mother-posting-pictures-baby-terminal-birth-defect-article-1.1081148
Also, whatever you choose to do, if it involves money then you will favor a scammer somewhere.
that shows nothing to the contrary but that people think humans are banning them
this is false and the majority is automatically done by bots
lol your logic is flawed
I don't know what you think you sound like, but when all you have to say is...
...I suddenly understand why you keep getting downvotes.
to suggest that anything involving money is related to a scam is your flawed logic
and you can clearly see who is flagging to suggest they are justified is idiotic, if you were for real
facebook has 35,587 staff
1.52 billion daily active users on Facebook on average for December 2018
if each user makes 1 post/comment pic upload a day and every single member of staff was dedicated to reviewing there would be over 41k a day for each staff to review
All right, looks like your mind is shut tight about this subject, so nvm.
funny when you are presented clearly with the facts that defeat your argument you end the conversation
It's not funny. This wasn't even a conversation at all, it just took me a while to realize it. And there was no argument defeated.
yes they say this
they have also said many times they dont harvest and sell users data
but do the numbers yourself even 100% of their staff dedicated to it wouldn't be enough
which their are not, the majority of facebook staff are dedicated to marketing PR + sales
you should know from your time on STEEM not to trust statements by private US organizations
I just don't want to talk to you anymore. It was an illogical, frustrating and saddening experience. Sticking my head into a hole and waiting these feelings out sounds more sane than continuing whatever it was that were we doing, so it's what I'm going to do right now (not literally). I have depression and a lot of empathy, so it's obviously the better choice for me in this scenario.
sounds like you suffer from obsessive compulsive narcissist disorder
If only you could just go away from the platform that seems to be giving you so much pain.
as long as scammers exist so shall i