
Your welcome!
And thank you for noticing. I AM already pretty awesome... at least in the part of the world that revolves around me. 😎

Regarding banner sizes... I don't think there's ever been an official one, I'm pretty sure I got this by inspecting the page... But works okay. 1903x240.

I also use 768x432 for cover photos because at first, that was all that really fit in the Steemit feed. But there are a lot of UI options now, so I'm not entirely sure it matters. I just like to stay pretty. Ironically, this is the FIRST POST EVER that I worked VERY hard to NOT work hard. Go ahead, look. All my posts match and have sexy formatting. Please don't take this weird post as indicative of my fame to come.... or should you?

Oh! For a quick and easy reference to format your posts: 🌟ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial🌟
(Don't upvote that, is super old, but useful.)

I saw a major spike in upvotes and realized it was attributed to you mentioning me in you "Welcome New Stemmians Post" 😭 ❤️ Thank you so much! I'm glad you got your breaker fixed as well!

That must've been rough, I don't think I'm prepared for such a thing, I'd probably just use the flashlight on my phone till it dies 🤣. No internet would be even worse.

Just looked at your older posts and they do look pretty sexy, ya got your bitmoji all over them and the formatting is really fluid!

As for the New Year's pic where I'm making "that face", our sergeant forgot to go to the meeting to get the details on our leave home, so we ended up having to stay there for New Year's while the rest of the base went home. Literally 30 Marines patrolling an empty camp made for 3,500. It had it's highlights like we got to run through the parking garage and scream as loud as we want and do other dumb things that 18 year-old tend to do.

As for a better one of me now and a smiling one back then;


I just thought the disgruntled one would make for a funnier intro than the smiling one. Thanks again for the support love! 😘 Don't forget the minnows when your a famous whale!

Ah damn. That does suck! However, I do still see the appeal of a few having the 'run of the place'. I can't lie, I would have also run around screaming.

You are so welcome! I hope more people find you!

And the breaker problem wasn't such a big deal. My landlord has a physical therapy office connected to the house and the breaker box is in there. I just didn't want to interrupt the appointment. So instead, I used my time SUPER wisely and walked around my house staring at the walls waiting. 🤣

But no electricity and no internet is a real thing. 😬 I live in the mountains (pretty remotely) and sometimes things just turn off... for a while. Since I work online it can feel like a needed break.

For example, last one that lasted 3 days (internet gone, we had electricity) I wrote my first song. 😎 Gotta do something with the time.

And bruh. I can't forget you, but you have to remind me... like tag me and stuff. 😘

P.S. Those are some excellent pics, but using the funny one got me... though, probably any of them I'd have clicked on...