Making Friends With Squirrels

in #noticenature4 months ago

     It was inevitable. In the summer of '22 I made friends with a chipmunk. In the summer of '23 I made friends with a couple of rabbits. Well, this past summer I finally made friends with the resident squirrels.

     The squirrels have always been skittish. Once they hear the door leading onto the back deck opening, they scamper off. My plan was simple. I would leave some food around my patio. That way, they would begin to associate the patio with food.

     Of course, it had to be food that wouldn't be taken by the birds, rabbits, and chipmunks. So, I ordered some unshelled walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.

     At first, I would be nowhere around the vicinity of the patio. But, it wasn't long before the squirrels realized that I was the source of these wonderful feasts. I only fear that I many have created some adorable little monsters.

     I have a lot of footage that I'll be posting, so stay tuned. This first video is a nice little introduction to some of my new friends.








           Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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Very cute! He can't get enough of them into his mouth. Could you not leave out a little carrier bag for him to load them into?

I'll definitely have to up my game next summer.