I feel as though nature is always trying to communicate with us. However, those messages might not necessarily be as profound as we often think them to be.
This past summer I made friends with a bunch of the squirrels living around my house. One squirrel, in particular, liked to eat it's nuts on top of the grill. Was this squirrel trying to send me a message?
I'm writing this in jest, of course. But, given how easily I can be manipulated by cuteness, don't be surprised to see me grilling some nuts next summer. We already cook nuts in the oven and in skillets. So, why not cook them on the grill, too? They even sell BBQ nuts at the store.
Then there's the issue of the shells. I imagine it would be better to grill them with the shell still on, like shrimp. Though some squirrels, like people, probably don't want to deal with the mess and the extra work involved. Their loss, I suppose.
Whatever the message, being on top of the grill allowed me to get some squirrel footage from a different angle. This made it possible to get some good close-ups.


Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.
All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.

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I think he drops as much as he eats (she?) 😊
Your blog certainly takes the prize for cuteness.
Squirrels definitely make a mess when they eat. Interestingly, the birds will eat up all of the smaller pieces when the squirrels are done. It's really cool to see how the animals work together.