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RE: Tone Vays vs Roger Ver debate on BTC vs BCH as 'hard currency'.

in #notoriginalcontent6 years ago (edited)

BTC fees are better than they've been in a long time and still not competitive on their own. BTC is popular for other reasons, primarily network effect and the most PoW.

I've made zero wire transfers. Useless? Of course not, but not comparable to cash transfer. Hardly peer to peer etc.

Do you mind losing 93% of your value (BCH:BTC) to be able to transact cheaper on a network who's main proponent admit transaction fee is barely an afterthought?

I don't know who you're talking about, but it shouldn't matter. 93% is not a stable value, but then again when did we see stability in Bitcoin before that. This isn't my first time the merry go round. That's not to say it couldn't crash way down from here. You simply can't know these things.

Why would anyone invest in a currency that doesn't have a plan for upkeeping security when the block reward phases out?

No idea what you're talking about here... The market can set the fees at any level necessary. If higher fees are actually necessary the nodes will adjust, but they will always trend towards zero since supply is not artificially capped. That's all.

Be patient, don't fuck up humanity's opportunity to free itself from TPTB.

Be patient? I'm probably one of the more patient people you'll ever meet. If we meet in real time at some point. I thought there was no time pressure? Then how can we "fuck it up" by preferring something different in the market place?

Actual scaling technologies are tested and almost ready for mass adoption.

Great. Will be interesting to see them. Not that it was ever impossible to scale or that I approve of the SegWit route and a bunch of other stuff. But I've been very supportive of more SegWit and adoption of various innovations. As long as I don't have to use them.

BCH had lost a year ago. Do you think it makes sense to expect people wait 10 more years to see if their currency will still be worth something? It's irresponsible and reckless.

#Reckless? No one has to wait for anyone. Build and use whatever you want. This isn't a democracy. This is free markets.
