#nowplaying - Week 0

in #nowplaying7 years ago (edited)

Now Playing - Week 0

I've been listening to the following artists a lot this week.

Kurt Vile and Courtney Barnett

Their album together is great and I've been listening to it more and more each week. I really dig how sloppy everything is.

  • Continental Breakfast
  • Over Everything

Kurt Vile

Also listening to more and more of Kurt Vile's stuff. I like the resonator he uses on some songs.

  • Outlaw
  • Pretty Pimpin
  • Wild Imagination

Vince Guaraldi Trio

Getting in the Christmas spirit with

  • Linus and Lucy

Kaki King

One of the coolest guitarists I know, I've been getting into more of her discography and playing it at work.

  • Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers
  • Yellowcake
  • Complete discography on shuffle

Those are the four artists I've been listening to a bunch this week, what have you been listening to?
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I've been listening to a lot of vince guaraldi too!

I had a bit of trouble getting into Lotta Sea Lice (even though I love their separate work), but appreciating it for sloppiness makes sense. I'll have to give it another few listens.

I thought it was fine for the first few listens, then I saw them live with @popsoz and watched this tiny desk session. That really made me appreciate their sloppiness!