Nanggroe Steemit Community NSC Providing Help ; Who says Steemit is useless.

in #nsc7 years ago (edited)

Who says Steemit is useless.


Aceh was shocked by the news in the newspaper "waspada newspaper" titled *"Giving Compensation With Virtual Money"*

On January 12, 2018, the Daily Chairman of NSC kakanda @safwaninisam together with other administrators provided assistance to a boy with a fluid on the head. The boy came from the village of Krueng Geukueh North Aceh. Now the patient is being handled by a doctor at Zainal Abidin hospital, Banda Aceh.


The help provided by this NSC community is not how valuable it is, but it is very valuable to the patient, this orphaned child still needs our helping hand. This NSC community gets donations from the virtual currency they have earned in running a platform called steemit. This virtual money they often mentioned by the name of SBD or Steem Based Dollar. Anyone who joins the NSC community is stressed to help each other to the needy. Really noble their activity.


I joined the NSC community from the very beginning of introducing myself. I really feel a warm family relationship with them.
NSC was not the only time this has been providing assistance through virtual money in IDR.
In December 2017, the NSC has also provided assistance to the victims of the flood that hit North Aceh region, it is fantastic aid to reach the figure of 17 million rupiah from donations of NSC friends. Furthermore, on Wednesday, January 3, NSC community also provides compensation to orphans in Dewantara sub-district. Donations provided by the NSC community have been sourced from steemians who joined the NSC, and the average donations they gave as a result of the activity using #steemit.





Best Grace From Me @teukurahmatakbar



Terima kasih @faroel

colon corator yang muncul di media cetak hampir tiap hari.
beliu salah seorang putra nisam antara di kaki gunung salak .

Alhndulillah smoga Nsc smakin jaya

Amiin. NSC tetap mesti dijaga bersama. Untuk kualitas dalam berkomunitas. :)