We all know that sex sells, our society is hardwired like that. Is it ok? Should we endorse it? I don´t know and to be honest, it is a subject I´m not really eager to go deep into because it is a very, very delicate subject.
This is just a social experiment we came up with while chatting in a private server with some of my closest pals.
We´ve seen a lot of accounts getting votes not because of the quality of the posts, but because a cute girl is posting behind the account; or we´ve seen a woman showing a bit of skin in the first picture and BUM, votes come their way...
So, can a man hope to get the same results?
Upvote me Plz Sir
Hitchhiking in the back of a truck in Central America, shirtless because the heat was overwhelming.
Paddle boarding in the Caribbean. I´m very bad at it so I decided to just look fat and look to the horizon.
Hiking a mountain, I was sweaty as hell so I decided to go shirtless.
Of course I´m not making excuses to be naked, it´s all for a good reason!
This is when I was younger, but still, skin is skin right?

This post is just for shits and giggles and to prove a point between our friends. This is by no means an attack to anyone and the tags should be more than enough proof of that.
FINALLY! This calls for a new #takeyourshirtoff tuesday tag. Boys only 😜
The proper name is Show Your Tits Tuesday #SMTT and it was open to men too, lol
Lol was it a thing actually? The we should start the #BringBackSMTT
I took like 200 flags for that contest, lol
LOL! I'm gonna need proof of this.
Just another social experiment really but it did payout RIGHT when the SBD peg broke, coincidence?
...I think not! You blew up the SBD machine. Too many titties.
It did spark quite the debate though.
This is something I could get behind of, definitely! I wonder if we could get a lot of people to join?
YES! I'll rally my troops. Reckon I could get at least 5 dudes to participate (I know.. i have big troops)
when does this contest start? cause I'm in :)
Lolx. This is the funniest shit* I have seen today!
Naked Nomad thats gonna be a thing soon.
ROTFL!Hey @anomadsoul,
Lol Naked Nomad every friday? Nah it could be fun but I don´t want to make it a thing... or should I? Lol
Haha! And here I thought I'd see you in a hot tub somewhere elbow to elbow chattin' it up with ladies :) Great post and although I look for yours this one certainly caught my curiosity! Haha! Still chucklin' over it! You got me...........
Well, if our body sold same as women´s, I believe steemit would be 50% what it is now, and 50% posts of dudes in hot tubs chatting up with ladies haha
Life is so unfair. You got more boobs than me. I hate you. But you're sexy so I upvote still. 😂
Lol you should see me now! I´m getting fat, the gym is calling me. Don´t hate me, I don´t like my boobs :P
You gotta get speedos. Make it SEXXXY! Make it POP! If you need any pointers you know where to find me. ;)
I know! Speedos also get the bulk to be noticed more right? Damn, why didnt I thought of that :/
hahaha! funny post Eric!
Hahaha I´m glad you liked it Joy! How´s it been! So long without hearing from you! I saw your message about the new year :D :D Sending hugs!
Hugs! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine there.
ahahahah that's funny! You know the first thing I thought when I joined Steemit was "damn that girl posted a SELFIE and got $40!!! ahahah
but I don't think that Steemit is as superficial as Instagram or Facebook...I think the level flies a bit higher, thankfully!
Oh no! Of course not, but to some degree it is, but nowhere as close as IG or FB, that´s what I like about it, wuality content and inteligent content is what mostly gets rewarded here... but yeah, I´ve seen those selfies too...
I was expecting some proper nsfw material!
50% vote for only 50% shown - you know what to do Sir! :P
Hahahaha Oh damn, I guess I have to do full naked nomad soon! Lol I mean, I wanted to board this subject the chillest way possible, but it is a thing you know? Oh well...
Getting naked is a thing?
Give me a few months of gym action and i'll consider taking the gopro to the beach!
I'm not sure if a certainly lady choosing what to pack for a holiday sparked this, but I thought that video was original eough to get a few nice votes - whether It would work for either of us remains to be seen! You first? :D
Lol nah we are friends we are actually meeting in a few months in europe in case you wanna hang ^^
Just random thoughts about steemit behaviour, you know my drill lol
There should be definitely more nsfw posts for the ladies in steemit. Why are guys getting all the fun always? ;)
Well because when we post things like this, it gets $30 (if we are lucky) and when you girls post something like this, it gets +$100!! Thats why! We are not being rewarded for out tit-showing ya know?
I gave you my best 100%! Dont blame me!
I up voted you , please don't up vote or follow back . Please lol
So I shouldn´t vote or follow back? :O
just a pun to your pun .
nice social experiment and good fun
Can we start buying you up votes for private pics now?
Lol its the new trend or so I´ve heard, nudes in exchange of votes right?
What can I get for $10?
You're going to need a new account @nakednomad.
Oh you just gave me a brilliant idea! But I reckon I would use it for a few weeks and then let it die due to the 45 cents each post would get LOL
At first I didn’t know where the guys got the photos on discord - now I know!!! Tooooooo funny!!!!
Ha, ha, ha. So what are the results of the experiment? On my side, I'm laughing at this. But I get your point about posts getting a lot of SBD because of the glorified ideas of beauty (actually sexually selling an image to the public). Way to go with this. I guess a win in irony against the system in better than just following the mainstream.
Well it was more of an experiment without results, because you can´t trully compare men to women, this was just a mere excuse to do something funny :D
I still believe that quality content speaks volumes and it speaks it so loud. What you are saying might be true to some extent but i know guys who have succeeded on this platform
Oh of course, i believe quality content is what gets more support here, but we can´t deny that looks + quality content = Killer combo!
hehheheh.... Killer combo indeed 😄
I agree with you on this one 😃😃"Killer Combo"
Esto fue demasiado cierto el sexo vende pero mucho mas en una chica con cara bonita y grandes senos, un caso muy particular fue hace unos meses una chica hizo su introduce yourself sin camisa ni brasier con un cartel cerca de sus bubbis que decia steemit y su nombre de usuarios y obtuvo como 40SBD en su primer post es demasiado pues eso ratifica lo que expones aquí el sexo vende, tomando en cuenta que no tenia mucho material escrito.
Por otra parte recordando que mi mamá dijo que tu eras su crush, la etiquetare para que te vea sin camisa jaja @rvag5 ven a ver a tu crush sin camisa :D
Yo prefiero mil veces hacer contenido de calidad, escribir y compartir cosas nuevas que estar subiendo fotos de mis senos y tengo con que jeje
El lado facil en steemit existe, como ya sabemos es una red social y suele sacar el lado mas superficial de todos si en otras redes lo hacen por likes o por simple aceptacion que te hace creer que aqui no lo van a hacer cuando les pagan, eso me desmotiva mucho una selfie 10 dolares un post mio guia para nuevos usuarios que pase dias escribiendo 3 centavos. ¬¬
Bueno es parte de la pecera. Un abrazo @anomadsoul estoy feliz de ver que estas respondiendo comentarios jeje C:
I strongly agree with your opinion, maybe a man will never get the same value with a sexy woman, maybe it looks funny, that's the reality
Nice looking pictures at the beach
I am a simple man: I see tits ---> I click and vote. LOL. What this aren't tits. :s

Image Source: https://www.redbubble.com/de/people/lorraun/works/16110666-scream-shock-fear-emoji?p=gallery-board
Lol that´s how it should be right? You see tits, you vote them tits.
piel es piel jaja, me parece muy chistoso esto porque ayer realicé un post y estaba apenada de publicar tanta piel como dices, tanto que tapé mucho de ella. Y estas fotografías aunque sean para divertirse se merecen un voto por tener la valentía de monstrate. Piel nómada a la luz publica jaja. Saludos Eric me reí mucho con tu post.Amigo @anomadsoul
Finally a naked nomad! My life is complete.
You know what? You all should join!
Hahaha. Wow...this guy is sexyyyyy.... clicks upvote.
I think there's nothing we can really do about it, it's not a man's world anyway. I've witnessed several instances one of them being when I was going to school one day and a car slowed down close to me and I was like wow someone is giving me a lift that's when the car just zoomed past me and stopped at a lady's front telling the girl to hop in because she was on a skimpy dress..
And who is to blame for the way women behave and get used to drawing attention with their bodies? Who made a woman an "object of sex"? It is a sexist society imbued with the tenets of the Patriarchate. All advertising in the media is based on women's bodies. Nobody will listen if you are a woman, not conforming to the patterns of beauty. That's why the modern world needs feminism. A movement that gives a woman the right to be Human in the first place. And then she will decide what her path. It's time to listen to the feminists. Otherwise, the whole world will soon be in the trash, made of bare Asses, legs and inflated lips. After all, many women who are not familiar with feminism, believe that it is approved and like the male society. Women for so many years of infringement got used to please men. Here's the thing.
Oh no no, I don´t want to get into social arguments and what is right and wrong, this is just a funny post trying to be jokesy about it :D
Of course, I understand you. Many people don't want to get into it. I think that they are not affected. But actually it concerns everyone. And the struggle should be at the level of every sane person who is at least a little concerned about the structure of our human society. Once upon a time, sexist humor also amused me. But now I realized the full horror of what is happening and I'm not being funny. Imagine that one day you will have a daughter who will be considered the norm to show her body, receiving the approval of the society. Will you still be funny? And you will continue to abstract from this? This topic is relevant to me, because I am raising 2 daughters. And I don't want them to grow up in a society where selling a woman's body is considered normal and fun.
I really agree with that. Another proof of that is when creating the famous introduce yourself post, cute and beautiful girls often got a number of upvotes in no time.
i think you can do what you want bro!
steeem on
no criticism or anything, because the man's bare breasts can still be considered normal, especially in the heat and hot,
but, if a girl is bare-chested, it will invite a lot of attention,
I laughed a lot, DOUBT: in the third picture does an afro come out or did the photographer take a selfie of his hair and did you go out by chance? jiji
Yeah! The person taking the picture had an afro hair style and it got in the way! :O
Hahaha I've never think of that. This will go viral. Just wait few days and you'll see dudes keepng their shirt off for posting 😂
Have a nice day - @tonac :D
You got me...
You have a very beautiful figure, why do not you put more pictures of topless? :)
Hahaha I don´t have more! :( And currently I am a bit fat :P
Haha! Dude, I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed that there isn't a photo of you in your 'birthday suit'! Who would criticize the half naked nomad, he is hot!
Oh well, you could be relieved that the disappointment wasn´t that big! I told you I had some shirtless pics lying around haha!! I dunno, another nomad who is my nemesis? :P
LOL, are you making jokes? You are the half naked nomad since you did not completely strip for us ;)
There's this thing about ladies body that makes people drool about it even if they don't have something brilliant to offer. You see a post that is not well written but supported with a sexy picture with massive rewards.
💯Nice pictures
hahaha @anomadsoul, what a hilarious way to share a sad truth! And, to think, I would have missed all the fun if I didn't open your post directly from a notification I got from Ginabot... it opened your NSFW post and didn't give me a chance NOT to open it... something that I wouldn't ever want to open normally. hehehe. Who knows, because of your NSFW tag, I may be one of the few girls who gets to see you topless. 🤣🤣🤣
I guess it is not the same for naked men and women because women are more enticing when they are being cute and exposing skin on their post that's why it works for them, no offense. I am not saying I agree with what they are doing but putting an nsfw tag in Steemit can give them the option to do so and yes earn from such exposure. But I guess it is still unfair for Steemians like me who aims for high quality post being beaten by a one photo post of a half naked girl in terms of upvotes and interactions. I just hope these nsfw photos are kept into minimal so Steemit won't be spammed by them and won't look like a porn site haha.
oye ahora me has hecho pensar en mi ultimo post, y me da como penita, jaja aunque yo lo veo como algo natural, no se trata de ser exhibicionista, es que vea el cuerpo humano así con estrías, kilos demás, o cicatriz, y aun asi ver lo hermoso que es. Pero se debe admitir que tenemos un lado algo morboso, al ver esa etiqueta y ver que eras tu, me dio mucha curiosidad porque jamas has publicado algo así :D
Women suffer a lot of things in this world. Right from the womb, we suffer selective abortion. At birth, female infanticide. While growing up, we suffer child abuse. At adolescence, we sugger gang rape, date rape, acquaintance rape, gender-based violence. Sorry for sounding too serious but this is the only one thing we enjoy in this life, please allow us to enjoy it in peace. Eh @anomadsoul. Pity us nau. Biko 😢
I think this is our worries bro. Giving upvote to postings that are not beneficial to many people, is a common practice in Steemit. We have no officer who censors such things because of the culture that can not be eliminated. It would be bad if too far talked about this. In the east, things like this are for taboos though in tourist areas many tourists come and relax in the sand by making.
Thank you for sharing.
Upvoted because I have noticed the same thing and I love this idea. Cheers, bro. I might have to make a similar post one day. haha
Wow, you look so healthy!!
Lol!! Oh my... what a nomad without shirt....
Btw, quality content so does that mean quality body too...?! Lol....
Hahaha, if I do this thing, do you think that I could get decent upvotes too? LOL nice idea NoMad.
You have a typo man! I am YesMad! Lol
Ohh, now you're a changed man lol.
Lol that GIF XD
Con que ese es el secreto? voy a montar un dibujo completamente desnuda hihihihihi ;)
As long as oneself happy
Get into it fella, its an important issue, I'm waiting for an analysis of dtubes voting patterns on a gender basis......perhaps if you'd had a back,sack and crack, you might have got a few more upvotes...just a thought ;-)
I've often wondered that same thing! wow! You've gone ahead and done it. Looks like you can! And with such success. Also, check out the latest discord channel for the new steemit platform 'pornd' takes porno and steem dollars, combines them, and does other fun things. Here's our discord https://discord.gg/4gtNAB Tell them I sent you.